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Posts posted by kaison331

  1. I am also having trouble with the member card code for Diamond. Except my problem is that the guy at the mart always seems to give me Oak's Letter, even when I alter the numbers that are supposed to give me the card. The code is as follows:

    94000130 FCFF0000

    B21C4D28 00000000

    B0000004 00000000

    0000AA3C EDB88320

    2000AA80 00000008

    D2000000 00000000

    The last number on line 00000008 varies. I've experimented with using 7, 9, and A instead of the 8, and all I keep getting is Oak's Letter!

  2. That code isn't too long for the AR to handle. Compare 36 lines to like 200 or 300 lines. In most cases the AR tends to make other codes not work properly if you have several other lengthy codes enabled as well. Not sure if you tried this yet, but try making sure this is the only code you have enabled.

    Edit: I shortened them by 16 lines. I HAVEN'T tested these so use at your own risk and keep a backup of your current gamesave, but they should work.

    It works! Thank you SO Much!! ^-^

    My sister wants one now, but with a douse drive. Could you make one with a douse drive please?

  3. Maybe your hardware can't handle the code correctly. I remember seeing a warning about that hardware thingy.

    You can try importing it into a .pkm file then sending it through GTS, if you have Wifi.

    I'm kind of new at all this programming and file stuff. How would I go about converting the code into .pkm format and what would do that? And how would I go about sending it through GTS?



    Oh! I don't know what thread this was on, but someone else was also having this problem, and someone suggesting changing a line of code, or something like that.

  4. Try this

    94000130 FFFB0000

    B2000024 00000000

    D5000000 03840011

    C0000000 00000025

    D6000000 00019494

    D4000000 00000001

    D1000000 00000000

    D5000000 03840235

    C0000000 00000005

    D6000000 00019494

    D4000000 00000001

    D1000000 00000000

    00019494 03840086

    D2000000 00000000


    Do you have the code for Black?

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