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Posts posted by Samels

  1. I'm trying out the method for generating a shiny PID and ran into some situations which aren't covered in the step by step guide.

    If the number of ones in the column is even (i.e 1100, 1010, 0101, etc.), write 0 in the fifth row you’ve just created. If the number of ones in the column is odd (i.e. 1000, 1110, 1011, etc.), write 1 in the fifth row.

    What do I write if the column is only zeroes?

    b) Check the third and fourth number of the column.

    c – 1) If the third and fourth number are two ones (11), set the first two numbers to 0. This is how your first column should be read: 0011;

    c – 2) If the third and fourth number are one 0 and one 1 (10 or 01), set the first two numbers to 10 or 01. This is how your first column should be read: 1010, 1001, 0110 or 0101 (it’s indifferent).

    And same question here, what do i use if the third and fourth number are 00?

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