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Posts posted by Dark_by_design

  1. Hey, im trying to fill my dex in pokemon white, i dont really care for trading for legendaries so im trying to make them all just for fillers sake.

    im using pokegen to make them.

    but me being me it has to at least look legit otherwise it will annoy the hell out of me.

    im looking at making a deoxys from pokemon ranger: guardian signs but am unsure what to put as the location met to make it look like i transferred it from pokemon ranger to a gen 4 game then poke transferred it to pokemon white.

    would it need to be pokemon ranger or pokemon ranger(G4) or poke transfer?

    thanks and i hope im posting this in the right section

  2. It's not a huge thing, and doesn't really affect the way the program runs at all.. just gotta click cancel everytime it comes up.

    It hasn't always done it it only started doing it in the last week or so.

    I woulodnt really see it as a huge problem, just wanted to let ya know about it

  3. to start with i can show you a screenshot of it.. i have a funny feeling its a bug cause the version it says its updating to says 0.0.0

    I disabled my avg completely and when i open pokegen the prompt for an update doesnt pop up at all but as soon as i activate avg and open pokegen again the update prompt appears again.

    i have the latest version from the link you gave..

    would this be caused by avg solely on my end or has it got something to do with the pokegen program as a whole?

    also if it is a bug to do with pokegen i have no problem helping you try to diagnose it.

    This is what comes up when i open pokegen:


    Edit: and this is what happens when i click yes:


  4. lately whenever i open pokegen (beta) it comes up saying that an update is available and if i want to download it....

    if i click yes it opens up a screen that says download progress but has no download bar or anything, its just empty, and no matter how long i leave it for it stays there and wont disappear.

    is there actually an update and my comp is just not working or is it a bug?

  5. generating pokemon for the party would be the top set of boxes yes?

    i swear ive tried saving them to that and having a spare spot in my party when transfering it to make sure it goes into my party..

    btw im transfering them with ir-gts not AR, will that make a difference?

    edit: got the modified pp's to work but the stats are still not working... what am i doing wrong?

  6. ive been trying for a while now to make some pokemon with modified stats to use to get bs points.

    but i set all the stats to 500 and stransfer the pkm file to my game it always shows the original stats and not the modified ones.

    ive tried going into a battle, depositing it in the pc then withdrawing but neither work.

    can anyone help?

    also noticed that when editing the amount of pp for a move it just reverts back to original pp upon transfering it to the game

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