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Everything posted by tomastaz

  1. I did the EXACT same thing OP did, but just with slot 6. I checked, double checked, triple checked that I chose White instead of White 2, and the guy still didn't show up. Also I noticed that the accessing the PC did cause issues for the game, however I did in fact check WHITE. Included in the pic was what I used. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I can't seem to figure out what. Thanks
  2. Thanks so much!
  3. Hey. I was generating a code for a wondercard when I got two different options of codes to copy. One says "Wonder Card 6" (6th slot) and the other says "Used Wonder Card IDs" Each would give me a different code. I wasn't sure which one to pick. Some clarification please? I really appreciate it! :redface:
  4. Hey guys, I recently made 4 pokemon on Pokegen. Besides the Amoongus, the other 3 have been detected. What is weird about the Amoongus is that I tried twice, using Tall Grass as an encounter once, and Egg/Pal Palk/Event once, and BOTH were not detected. I was wondering if you guys could check them out to see what's wrong. Thanks! Note: All Pokemon attached have encounters set at Egg/Pal Park/Event
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