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Posts posted by Shinnosuke

  1. I have tried doing so, yet it only made the original *.dsv file corrupted..

    So actually if I want to spend time re-playing the whole game, the save game feature works fine.

    Sadly I don't have that luxury of time, that's why I'm trying to find a way to continue what I've played with the NDSi in my computer.

    Thanks anyway MoonRays!

  2. hello..

    I'm new here, I found this forum through google.

    I'm currently facing the same problems but from a different angle.

    You see, I started playing Ragnarok DS on the original NDSi player.

    Then as I start to have less free time, I searched for an NDS emulator.

    And I got the DeSmuME program.

    It works perfectly, except for one thing.

    I can't seem to get my original *.sav file to be loaded using DeSmuME.

    I've already downloaded the offline emulator (on the previous page), and tried to convert myself, but to no avail.

    Can anyone share a light on this?

    Would really mean a lot..


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