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Posts posted by Sturm

  1. Quality bump there.

    As per the forum's policy on cheating, you won't get legality advice for anything pertaining to beating Nintendo checks. There are no legality checks for Pal Pad / Wireless battles.

    That's understandable, i'll remove that part then.

    But to my question, do it effect anything that you don't see anyway or does it simply just change it's nature and IV's along with everything else with it.


  2. I was interested in using the Nature/IV modifier codes on my dream radar Thundurus and Tornadus as they are not that great at the moment.

    My question is apart from changing it's Nature/IV's and stats is there any way you can tell it has been done? Would anyone notice it, or does the Nature/IV change not effect it in any other way?

    Thanks in advance!

    Note: This is for Pokémon Black 2.

  3. I was interested in using the Nature/IV modifier codes on my dream radar Thundurus and Tornadus as they are not that great at the moment.

    My question is apart from changing it's Nature/IV's and stats is there any way you can tell it has been done? Would Nintendo be able to notice it, or does the Nature/IV change not effect it in any other way?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. I have a question about the Nature and IV modifying you can do on Pokémon you own.

    I know it is not really legit if you do this to a Pokémon, but could Nintendo, or other people find out you have done it or not?

    Or does Modifying the Nature/IV on a Pokémon not really effect it in any other way.

    I have the dream radar Thundurus and Tornadus and well let's just say they didn't come with good IV's or natures.

    Thank you.

  5. Not sure if there is where i should be asking, sorry if it isn't.

    Does anyone have a code to modify wild Pokémons natures?

    Also a code to modify wild Pokémons Iv's?

    For Pokémon White UK version, thank you.:creep:

  6. I did and found nothing to helpful with what i am asking.

    Because you've purposely spammed this thread twice I'm going to assume you don't know either.

    Instead of replying useless comments you could of answered my question then i could close this, but because you haven't i can't. LOL.

  7. Why do we have to leave the PID finder blank for 5th Gen Pokémon?

    Will they be given a PID automatically in game?

    Will it give different PID's for all Pokémon? Also what about Hidden Hex Values, are these done for me as well?

    If someone could explain this for me I would be grateful :)


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