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Posts posted by lordx10

  1. hey there fellas! srry 2 bother but i have read like a hundred times your explanation and done everything you directed. as I am now really upset for not being able to add any pokemon with pokegen I have 2 adopt some kinda of drastic measures... I'm gonna describe all I have done kk? pls help me =)

    so, i have desmume (most recent) and it's extracted in my desktop with all the directories and shit =). I load my save (.dst file). then exporting it so I may use it in pokegen. so far so good. now after editing my pc box while adding the pokemons(note that I did all the stats and pids and stuff, then clicked set on the pc box and indeed my new pokemon appeared). however after saving everything after I have no idea WhAtsOeVeR how to access it... Cause the type of the file cant be read by desmume!! What now?? plz good ppl aid me =(

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