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Posts posted by zau

  1. My problem with voltorb flip is that

    1. it takes too long, earning a measly 3000 coins takes an hour or so, assuming few mistakes.

    2. you cannot guarantee a win, there is a large element of chance, which is really anoying when (as has happened to me) you clear almost the whole board, except for two 3s in 4 spaces, and you know they are cattycorner from eachother. if you quit now, you only get 100 freakin coins after 10-15 minutes, but you have a 50/50 shot of looseing all that work. slots, each round is done in 5 seconds, and you move on.

    3. SLOTS WERE SKILL BASED. the slots were not really gambling since you could, if you had the skill, you could win a ton. on fire-red, i using just the free 100 or so coins you can find/beg, made enough coins to buy a dratini and a scyther. on at least on occasion during this run, i got the jackpot twice in a row.

    4. time investment. on slots, a mistake costs you three coins. you start another spin, and your back on track. in voltorb flip, you slip, make a mental blunder, or GUESS WRONG, and you can easily lose 15-20 minutes of work (lets say your up at level 7-8, you have to guess to start off with because theres no 0 row. you get a voltorb. WELCOME TO LEVEL 1 WERE YOU GET JACK ALL FOR COINS as you slog back up to the good payouts.

    5. and most importantly, the slots are more fun, and if you dont like them, or arent good at them, the the f#@# skip them and buy the coins you need. nintendo should have left the option to buy coins in for those who dont have the time, incination, or patience to grind through a bunch of voltorb flip

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