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Posts posted by DarkraiThirteen

  1. Lol, thanks for the answer! I feel pretty dumb. I was playing around with pokegen today and I *think* I made a perfectly legit looking one. (It just seemed to easy :P) It passed the legality checker along with a birth island Deoxys that I made. One more question if they're done well enough, will the game still recognize it as being made by an outside program?

  2. Greetings people of Project Pokemon! I'm brand new to this site and to pokegen so please bare with me. I have taken the file of a legit Wishmaker from my pokemon white version in order to transfer it back to a Gen IV file and adjust nature and stats. (Assuming you can do that since it is loading the file in the DPPTHGSS version of pokegen). When I load the file everything checks out except the location met. The location met box is highlighted red and has nothing in it. Could somebody please shed some light as to why I'm having this problem? (I also know this Jirachi is 100% legit since I obtained it through the use of my bonus disc)

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