Banned User-
15 -
10 GoodAbout Zoruafan494
- Birthday 02/02/1988
Lol trolling? You guys don't even know what trolling is! Ban me twice just because I want to express my ideas and help realize you guys are making a big mistake. Im now going to be mean and actually troll.You know what **** you nerds. No wonder you can't get laid you guys spend your time hacking and making pokemon programs. Like any girl like me would be interested in that. You guys have no life and should just go play and hang with your imaginary world of pokemon. One day you guys with all your programming will get tired of all this MARK MY WORDS. Pokemon obsession doesn't last forever and one day something will spark you to do something more important and pokemon will be nothing but a memory.Are you guys even married? Work? Hang out with friends? Party? Do school work? I think not. You are a embrassment to the human race. You guys can't last 2 days without technology or electronics. Try living in a world with no electicity and eating cold food or candles instead for 1 week . take that!! You just got owned by a pretty good looking model girl who secretly likes pokemon. No glasses, no zits, not messy hair, etc just a sexy one day famous female model
Ok seriously now im mad, one thing is banning for trying to express my ideas but banning because you thought I waas trolling? Wow just wow. You guys don't even know what trolling is. -Stop spamming events! -you guys are a bunch of cool kids thinking your generous but let's see what Nintendo would say about that -if you didn't get an event because it isn't in your country or you didn't know at that time.. oh well. I wouldn't waste a airplane ticket for a event and I wouldn't trust anybody on the internet with events. -I think events shall be made untradable and wonder cards shall disappear (many games do this and I don't care if someone has something I don't.) - you guys just make it easy for some people to become crazy over the game. May I repeat a game. Yes its nice to help but games are for fun not to suddenly think its your life to stay with pokemon and spend hours with programs/ trading. Even you admins should be tired of all the things you do. Sigh* I must go do my job and see if anything is up on the forum even if I been doing this for years . I must fix things up for the newbies yeah sorry friends and school I got a job to do. And I don't get anything back from doing it. For the new or come back pokemon fans: -many pokemon fans I know ALWAYS get tired after having every event so its not worth collecting. Because then you go.. now what? So am I the best? Do I get a medal? Will everyone love me and bow down to me" WASTE of time. Go have fun! We only have one life don't waste it on just pokemon. Love the game but don't go crazy and obsessed -9/10 people who hack don't think themselves as hackers. (AR, programing help, computer help, cloning, anything that involves improving your skills, pokemon, or having things that you got help on and Didnt work for yourself to get ) Pika216 from neoseeker and serebii forums ( spent 1 1/2 years doing this and was a waste) grades were mostly Cs and Ds in high school. Didnt spend time with friends and lost some. Got all 3 Nintendo DS and GBA SP taken 20 times from parents. And IM A GIRL and NON ASIAN o_o wow even guys should be shocked
Yeah I feel even tho they act so generous I sense something fishy about you guys. And no im not stopping, not doing this for pokemon only. Some people here need to get their butts off the computer and stop doing something that isn't worth it or your time! Ok playing games is good. But I think people here take the line "got to catch them all" way to seriously. No matter what all you guys like many others will get tired. this is probably for most of us some obsessed phase. No matter how many pokemon events you get. Does that change you anything in person? Were we born just to do this? Most of us here can do way better then this. You guys know it!
See? at least someone understands me. Dude Gusted and other mods here. I dont get why you make this. sooner or later nintendo is going to stop making events thanks to you guys. You know why some events exist? to get people to come to their events and spend money. American DW Lucario is a perfect example and the movie event pokemon as well. I think I know why Nintendo is doing more DW special unique code, its to stop from spamming! People, remember the first event pokemon you got yourself, the happy moment when you go to a place surrounded by other pokemon fans that are there in person from all ages. Kids get their first mew and thank their parents for taking them, we older people meet battle and trade with new friends. Every time I go get my event from a Gamestop or Toyrus it makes me smile seeing a 5 year old get a shiny Suicune, Celebi, Scarfty. why are we here? should we be letting kids do this. I mean I love Pokemon but I know most of us here have to be at least age 15 and over. We all need to grow up and learn that one day Pokemon will get canceled and the games wont exist anymore. I mean you seen the new pokemon Nintendo is running out of ideas. Pokemon has existed since 1996 and the anime creator died not too long ago. why cant we all just not obsessed over it to much. I mean get an event but is collecting and trading online is it really worth it? How many of you have spent hours just trading with people or waiting for them to sign on so you can meet up with them on wifi? My mom had to take away my nintendo DS many times because I spent half my day in my room trading and meanwhile my grades went down in school. What about you computers? full of pokemon files pokegen or other programs like Python right? Messy isnt it?
Whateves with you people. Close this please. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize this isn't worth it. Oh and im a girl not a guy so I like to be address like one. But I rather be on Neoseeker with my buddies than here. I'm still mad for what you did to the world2011 Scrafty and I will never forget you for wasting my time . 5 hours was long time and leaving a vacation early was something I shouldn't done.
So what if you didn't go to the event? Why does it matter? As long as you got it yourself is what matters. Do you people really trust everyone on the internet? Wondercards can be made by scratch and poke gen or what other program to create pokemon doesn't help either. I can make fakes myself as easy as 123 and yet they look legit. And I know nothing about computer programming or even taken a class. AR can give you a liberty pass, manaphy egg, azure flute, and you can catch the pokemon yourself even if the event was over 2 years ago. And people can say "they got it themselves" but they can lie that it wasn't the real event item. How does everybody know the files here aren't fake as well. I went on your old files site and I downloaded some pokemon and still have that link of your site and many I found fakes! Even some gen 4 events. Second, I know their is many japanese citizens here but how is it that you can get a event on the day of it release or the day after even when some of you probably need to fly there or don't live close or too busy that day with work or school. But you also ask others for the event and its wondercard. How do you know they aren't hackers? Or liers? And you only waited 1 or 2 days since the release. And already trust it. Didn't your parents teach you guys not to trust anyone on the internet? Do you even know what they look like? If they are smart? If they look like a hardworker, if they do others things then collect pokemon for others? I mean collecting pokemon for others then doing other more important things like school or work or going outside running during a sport/ activity? Doesn't that sound fishy?
Guested edit: I've moved the off-topic posts from a different thread here. Seriously! What is up with you guys! Spamming events and giving them out like crazy. You know what I did troll about the world2011 scrafty. You know why? I left early my vacation and drove 5 hours to the san diego event just to get my own and make it special . I come here and you guys give them to people like it wasn't worth going to the event and keeping it yourselfs. And also why are you guys spending your lives collecting pokemon events (including every nature and characteristic) and storing them on your computer and leaving them unused. Do you think its worth it? What happens when you have them all? Do you win a big trophy or a medal and be known everywhere on the internet? No you still aren't cool . Don't you guys have anything else to do with your lives? Please listen to me people. These things aren't worth it. They aren't even alive!! And nintendo will probably make better things in the future and these will be trash like a gameboy color and super nintendo. I am pika216 on neoseeker forums and I loved pokemon since I was 5. 1998-2000 those were the good times. When we cared about the game itself and using the cards or toys and not making them collectables or keeping them new and later get covered in dust and never touched again.
BW Event - Pokemon World Championships Scrafty 2011
Zoruafan494 replied to Guested's topic in Event Pokémon News
is that possible o_o? -
BW Event - Pokemon World Championships Scrafty 2011
Zoruafan494 replied to Guested's topic in Event Pokémon News
I got 2 of them. one I haven't picked up and its possible to get it, then turn off and try again -
BW Event - Pokemon World Championships Scrafty 2011
Zoruafan494 replied to Guested's topic in Event Pokémon News
sorry for quality. my phone has a bad camera -
BW Event - Pokemon World Championships Scrafty 2011
Zoruafan494 replied to Guested's topic in Event Pokémon News
nevermind I got it check http://s1133.photobucket.com/albums/m598/darkwolf409 -
BW Event - Pokemon World Championships Scrafty 2011
Zoruafan494 replied to Guested's topic in Event Pokémon News
how do i upload photos? -
BW Event - Pokemon World Championships Scrafty 2011
Zoruafan494 replied to Guested's topic in Event Pokémon News
Yes I did, I can take photos for proof. I haven't picked one up from the Pokemon Center. -
guess people eat Pikastew for breakfast
BW Event - Pokemon World Championships Scrafty 2011
Zoruafan494 replied to Guested's topic in Event Pokémon News
nope its any and classic ribbon.