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Posts posted by Casty

  1. Knowing random moves =/= knowing every set of every Pokemon and the exact EV spreads used.

    The fact that both parties can view their teams doesn't really help matters. It definitely removes the element of surprise, which is fundamental to competitive Pokemon, and arguably makes future battles unexciting, now that you know absolutely everything the opponent can possibly throw at you.

    I can't think of many viable solutions though, other than removing the "show sets" window and keeping the battles strictly warstory-like...

  2. There's a japanese site that also takes a battle video and tells you what sets were used.

    Well, the japanese site isn't very well known, so I'd be mostly safe even if it was only Pokecheck that allowed vid-blocking.

    That's an issue you should take up with the Pokemon site you participated at.

    Even if I told the hosts of the tournament about the cheating, they can't really prevent people from passing the video numbers behind the scenes. I only got to know about the scam because the guy who beat me told me about this. There is really no telling how many people know my team by now, and how many will know my future teams because of VS Player. And all they have to do to not get caught is to stay quiet...

  3. Is there a way to register your battle videos or otherwise block them from viewing by the third party?

    I'm participating in Wi-Fi tournaments hosted on various Pokemon sites, and VS. Player honestly ruins the entire experience for everyone of us. I already had a situation where some random asshole saved the video of a battle we had, showed it to his friend via VS Player, and then said friend proceeded to knock me out of tournament because he knew the ENTIRE SETS and EVs of the Pokemon I was going to use. Ridiculous.

    I BEG you to do something about this... I can't enjoy the Wi-Fi tournaments in this state any more... :frown:

  4. Any progress on move modifier and nickname modifier codes?

    For the record, I have a japanese Black 2 version of this code, maybe someone can convert it to B2/W2.

    521b8264 1c2a1c29
    521b9264 f684bd78
    e2002200 000000c0
    28004830 2080d006
    448630a6 a1202000
    47706348 f03bb5fe
    21f0fce1 42080109
    bdfed100 29006961
    bdfed000 f1b21c28
    1c07fa95 31291c21
    1c31780e 22003136
    fd80f01a f03b1c03
    0900fcc9 d1012840
    e0083301 d1012820
    e0043b10 d1012810
    e0003310 20013b01
    210207c0 312f0209
    3a011c1a d9004282
    428b2301 1c0bd900
    1c38b408 1c311c1a
    f01a3136 bc01fd37
    f01f2100 1c02f9e9
    1c311c38 f01a313a
    1c28fd2d f874f1b2
    31291c21 700e3e01
    71202000 30ae9807
    46799007 71882001
    020022c0 0000bdfe
    121b9268 0000ffcb
    121b9266 0000f648
    d2000000 00000000

    Go to summary -> select move -> X/Y changes the value of the move by 1 (up/down), L/R by 10. You have to check the move list for this one. So if say, your Pokemon has the move "Bind"

    019 013 Fly

    020 014 Bind

    021 015 Slam

    Pressing X will change it to Fly, while pressing Y will change it to Slam.

  5. I don't know what's going on with Pokecheck lately. It randomly started to block me from entering the site for a couple of hours a day. I know it isn't a maintenance break because my friend can access it with no troubles whatsoever. Running a proxy and successfully entering the site confirmed my suspicion that it's a problem with my IP.

    So why does Pokecheck block my IP?

  6. I see, thanks for the feedback.

    I have another question, I checked the legality of my old Pearl Gengar just for kicks and this popped out:


    I was like what the hell, the Gengar I hatched all those years ago (way before I even touched RNG abuse) is marked as hacked? What are DPPt hatch trash bytes anyway? I know that some of my Pokemon have them removed by a name rater. Could a combination of name rater + B/W cuss filter cause this?

  7. Hi guys!

    Yesterday I was doing some research on how to get more than one Manaphy Egg in the first Pokemon Ranger. Turns out, you can't do it the legal way (you cannot reset the game). So I started looking for an appropriate AR code, and came across this thread.


    I was excited to finally find the code, but it turns out it only works for European versions of Pokemon Ranger. Would anyone be willing to make this cheat work in American version of the game? Thanks in advance.

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