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Posts posted by Redfire66

  1. Thanks for the check, so does that mean the name and stuff are alright? because I'm pretty sure that you only use a continuous "/FFFF" if it is event, but I'm not sure. (Ex. Skarmory/FFFF/FFFF/FFFF) and I think I already got almost all of Pokesav down including that.

  2. I've been having trouble recreating my Pokemon with Pokesav and Pokegen since I lost my game. So I kind of need someone to check the trash bytes and stuff of my Pokemon because I kind of suck at this trash byte stuff (I barely understand any of it). I need someone to fix up my Skarmory, (such as the trash bytes for the names and stuff) and if it would be helpful if you could explain this trash byte stuff too, such as 0x77 and stuff, I'm not sure where that would be located or how to find it. I guess it's using a hex converter? I'm kind of new so try not to flame me =S


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