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Posts posted by Nephareus

  1. K didn't realise I had to enter ip in Shiny, works fine now. I kept getting invalid ip errors when I let it try to find the ip. Thanks very much.

    Also, just a note because I've seen people asking about this, and I know it's a completely different program, but those having issues with pokegen, note, it does not load all the data if you just double click a file, you have to have the program open already and hit load from the menu to get it to load all stats properly.

  2. Not sure if I'm reading certain parts here right. This app isn't set up to allow just LAN connections? You have to have it connected to the internet? I hope not, as IR-GTS works fine for me but has no option to send multiple PKMs to a game, and Shiny does, so I'd really like to be able to use it without setting up a server. If it is set up to do LAN connections, which I assume based on instructions but follow-up posts seem contradictory, I am only getting a 52110 and can't for the life of me figure out why (have tried both wireless and wired via ethernet, and then each of those on two separate routers). I have turned off all firewalls and even tried setting ports up with no luck (have had to set up port forwarding before for numerous computer games). I am running on XP SP3, and using a black version cart on a 3DS, if any of that matters, and all programs/firewalls off. I'm reasonably certain my ISP blocks the ports used since I time out testing them on external sites, but this shouldn't affect LAN connections. And, as I said, I can send files with IR, it just doesn't have the features and ease-of-use and visual appeal of Shiny GTS. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Was using python 2.6, tried 2.7, same error.

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