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Posts posted by Hax

  1. I've been lurking these boards for a while, (mostly for PokeGen info) figured it was time I make an account. Name's Buddy, you can call me that or Hax.

    Quick info:

    - Been playing Pokemon since I got Pokemon Stadium on the N64 as a kid

    - I don't do competitive battling. I may fiddle with teams, but I just don't see the appeal.

    - I do think hacked Pokemon are wrong to use over WiFi, but I think making legitimacy a big deal is idiotic. (Although it's a fun challenge to make pokemon who could get around legality checkers.)

    - I'm a proud supporter and user of PokeGen, ShinyGTS, PokeCheck, Pokemon Selector, and RNG.

    - Obviously, my favorite Pokemon is Haxorus.

    P.S. I realize my title says meddling kid, but it's referring to my relative lack of experience with Pokemon creation, not my age. :bidoof:

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