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Posts posted by horsetheband

  1. I was intrigued by your post and decided to try to make a zigzagoon/linoone that could go on GTS. I succeeded. I was able to deposit it on GTS, offer it on GTS, and battle with it online. (Belly Drum + Extremespeed)

    Upload your .pkm file to the pokecheck website and do the legal check (there is a legal check for gen 4 and 5), see if anything pops up as invalid. It's quite possible you have a bad PID. You realize you have to use TYPE 10 PID generator in PokeGen, right?

    I suggest you download the zigzagoon event pkm file from pkmdb (It's under the GBA events) and use that as a base. Set the approximate IV's you want and search for a PID Type 10 (You may have troubles finding one that matches the IV's/nature/ability you want, I know I did). Save that file and use a trashbyte fixers on the file. I then uploaded it to pokecheck with the "Import gen 4 pkm and convert to gen 5". I then sent it to my game and it works 100%.

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