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Posts posted by Bookwize

  1. This sir, is awesome! I already have over 400 Pokemon in my Pokedex!! :D

    Is it possible to get Manaphy in the Black/White server? Because he's the only one left so I have all legendaries.

    Another thing, think you can add more shiny starters rather than Mudkip like Snivy? I really want a Shiny Snivy.

    Since there are too much Pokemon on the list, is it possible to make more than 1 server like 1 for legendaries and 1 for shinies?

    Mr.Uxie, you do realize that would require, Mr.iSins to have two computers to run another server he only has one, deal with it and be thankful that he is giving us all these free pokemons from the kindness of hes heart.

    P.S. Mr.iSins, There is a Shiny Zapdos in there you should add that to your list in first post.

  2. Hello, I am going to take down the GTS Station for a few days due to the fact my internet connection is screwed up and the GTS Station is slowing it down now =/ wasn't before but yea it will be down for 2-3 Days i am sorry everyone but when it comes back there will be new pokemon added and a new Shiny of The Month Special.

    Mr.iSins, Cool I can't wait to see what the new pokemons are going to be, keep up the good work.

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