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Posts posted by Aldebaranmika

  1. hello, follow the steps you put in the post of c-gear editor / pokeskin:

    Alright I need some of you guys to try something for me, it sounds silly but do let me know if it works for you. (Did for me)

    Step 1: Find a C-Gear skin you like (.psk format)

    Step 2: Load .psk file into PokeSkinED

    Step 3: Save .psk file from PokeSkinED

    Step 4: Open up PokeCGear, load your save file and Import the new .psk file you just made

    Step 5: Check if it worked and wonder wtf it didn't work before

    but every time I start the game and before leaving the game data loading, a blue screen telling me: data (image) of c-gear have been deleted.

    and then I get the screen to load, and after that the c-gear still image.

    can you help me with this please;

    I'm doing this with a R4 and a DS classic, and also I have a doubt that, you can do all these steps with a R4, (maybe there is failing?) and I hope you can help

    Greetings and Thanks:smile:

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