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Posts posted by Rizen

  1. ...What?

    I'm asking, in the Tools->Code Generator on PokeGen, If you enable the "Pokedex" option, and press generate, then copy the code, Create a New Cheat in ARCM, Put the cheat on your AR, Put your game-card in, activate the cheat, and press Select in-game, will it Complete the entire pokedex, or only the Pokemon you chose in the dialog.

    Is that simple enough? What you just said was irrelevant, nor did it even remotely answer my question. Before trying to be satirical, pay attention.

    I ask this, because upon hovering over the "Pokedex" option in the Code Generator interface, it says "Check this to output codes for the Pokedex data. The number of codes generated for this is fairly long, so keep that in mind. etc..." It's unclear what data for the Pokedex it's outputting, the whole Pokedex or just the Pokemon you included in the code.

  2. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/wfc/en_na/ds/results.jsp?error_code=13204&system=DS&locale=en_US

    What makes you think the Pokedex data is the issue here? I know the short codes floating around fill the data improperly, but I'd be surprised if that's actually stopping internet battles. Also, I filled my Pokedex with PokeGen (Since, you know, PokeGen does it properly.) and was able to do a random battle just fine.

    After I used the code to clear my Pokedex, everything worked fine. I had my fully upgraded pokedex when I used the code, as well, so it's not an error because I didn't have my National dex. Finished the story-line, as well. And by using Pokegen to Complete your pokedex, do you mean putting each Pokemon individually into a code, then generating it with the Pokemon with the Pokedex option enabled? If so, I'm using the original AR, and the extremely long code would freeze my game.

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