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About scrapz

  • Birthday 12/31/1990
  1. Thanks. Seemed strange considering ir-gts-bw would work all the time. I encountered a couple different errors when I first started, mainly that the wireless would start red, go green, then go red again. ( on the DS) It still was the same error on the program though. I cannot recreate this error now, though. Edit: This also popped up when trying to launch with a the folder option. http://img195.imageshack.us/i/errorpkm2.png/
  2. I have been using hyper GTS with no success but ir-gts-bw works fine. I'm trying to send out folders at random quantities so I went for Shiny DTS. Just trying to get anything to work for Shiny DTS http://img826.imageshack.us/i/shinydts.png/ Ending up with error code 13275 on all the local DS's in my household. I know it doesn't matter much for locally networking but I have correctly portforwarded and I don't think I'm running anything that'd be blocking the process. http://img10.imageshack.us/i/wtm.png/ Willing to work through this >.<
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