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About iSins

  • Birthday 11/13/1992
  1. I Will No longer be updating the Pokemon Distribution Center here anymore since its to much of a hassle now updating Multiple threads click the link in my Sig if you wish to find updates on are pokemon Distribution Center.
  2. GTS Station is now back ONLINE! Enjoy.
  3. The GTS Station will be offline for a little.
  4. The GTS Station is now Back ONLINE!
  5. GTS Station is going OFFLINE for a Day or Two because I am going to be doing work on my Computer and I cant have the program opened while doing it. sorry for the Inconvenience.
  6. Update: Updated the Main Post to load faster by adding spoiler tags, just hit the Spoiler button to show what pokemon are being Distributed with at Generation.
  7. Hello, I am going to take down the GTS Station for a few days due to the fact my internet connection is screwed up and the GTS Station is slowing it down now =/ wasn't before but yea it will be down for 2-3 Days i am sorry everyone but when it comes back there will be new pokemon added and a new Shiny of The Month Special.
  8. Hello, The GTS Station will be having DNS IP Changes sometime today i am doing some stuff that requires me to restart my modem so please check back if the DNS Changes.
  9. Sorry for the small downtime i forgot to reopen the program after i did a computer restart it is now back up again enjoy.
  10. GTS Station is now OPEN! NEW DNS IP:
  11. Why cant people read around before posting .... Its offline due to me updated my computer will be back soon.
  12. Na its cool i have all the files on a external Hard Drive
  13. I will be doing upgrades to my PC and Reinstalling my OS So the GTS Will be down for a day at the most.
  14. Just want to give you guys the heads up if the GTS Station Stops for good couple hours it means i am reinstall my OS Since i am having some issues. But i will backup the GTS Files on a External HDD
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