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Posts posted by whachadodat4

  1. Originally Posted by whachadodat4

    Ok so i got a problem here, i've worked for about a day on it with no success. So maybe someone here knows.

    Background Information:I was told sending a pokemon from you game to your computer and sending it back multiple times was a legit way of cloning. So i hatched a 31/31/31/31/26/31 shiny jolly axew the other day and i am currently trying to clone it

    Problem: I have succesfully sent the pokemon files to my computer, but as of right now i can no longer send it back

    Other Information: Yesterday i got the error 31275 (or something similar) which means gts is overcrowded, but today i got 51200 which means something is wrong with my router. I went back to "Auto Obtain DNS" and my gts worked, so something is wrong with my program/how i'm using it

    Question: Does an expert on IR-GTS/Shiny DTS have an idea on what I might be doing wrong and/or can help me fix it?

    Do you have any programs like Skype or Teamviewer running at the same time? They've been known to cause interference.

    Do you have any programs like Skype or Teamviewer running at the same time? They've been known to cause interference

    I didn't think my Port 80 was being used, but turns out i was still logged in on oovoo ( a program similar to skype), so that was the problem thanks. However now i got error 13275. Yay :frown:

    if its Error Code 13275 then try again at another time Infinite Recursion said that cant be helped as your DS gam still needs to connect to Nintendos Servers so since the EQ/Tsunami hit their servers have been kind of iffy especially with the amount of traffic they get so be patient

    Like i said up there ^^ i got the 13275 error. Ur suggesting me to just keep trying at different hours of the day?

  2. Ok so i got a problem here, i've worked for about a day on it with no success. So maybe someone here knows.

    Background Information:I was told sending a pokemon from you game to your computer and sending it back multiple times was a legit way of cloning. So i hatched a 31/31/31/31/26/31 shiny jolly axew the other day and i am currently trying to clone it

    Problem: I have succesfully sent the pokemon files to my computer, but as of right now i can no longer send it back

    Other Information: Yesterday i got the error 31275 (or something similar) which means gts is overcrowded, but today i got 51200 which means something is wrong with my router. I went back to "Auto Obtain DNS" and my gts worked, so something is wrong with my program/how i'm using it

    Question: Does an expert on IR-GTS/Shiny DTS have an idea on what I might be doing wrong and/or can help me fix it?

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