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Posts posted by k-noob

  1. Sorry - I wasn't sure where this should go :redface:

    is it possible to save the pokemon on from a rom in pkm files without bringing the rom sav file into the physical game cartridge?

    For example, i'm playing pokemon diamond on my no$ emulator and i caught a pokemon.

    Can I sav that game, producing a .sav file, open it in pokesav (or another program), and save a pokemon from that .sav file as a pkm file?

    I tried pokesav and it doesn't work, it brings up an error that i can't read :confused:

    I was wondering if this was possible to do

  2. I added that to my version:


    Thanks to CodeMonkey85 for his Code Library I am using.

    cool - i look forward to it :)

    I don't understand why everyone thinks the Characteristic is so important. It's really just aesthetic when you can already see the IVs anyway.

    Ahh, someone is using my library! Nice. I will be updating that shortly, FYI.

    Just so this post isn't totally spam, how's progress going, Andy?

    I like to see the characteristics because if an event has random natures - the characteristics can be different as well. And because I don't really understand IVs so the info is lose on me :)

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