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About paperfairy

  • Birthday 03/17/1992
  1. She tried about 10+ times in the last 24 hours, whereas my DS works 100% of the time with no problems. I'll tell her to keep trying then. I should have mentioned - DTS or GTS gives me an IP to use - I have to fill that in with my external/internal IP before anything starts working. Is that another bug?
  2. *sigh* Hate to be that guy, but Shiny GTS is the only application using port 80. My own DS is able to recieve pokemon just fine, but other people cannot. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3264697/Untitled.png <-- screenshot Red indicates my friend who cannot connect (but was able to connect to somebody else), green indicates me going in just fine without problems, and the yellow is me verifying that nothing is using 80 but ShinyGTS itself. Yes, I made exceptions in the firewall, yes I am using port forwarding (I can provide screens of both if truly need be), but I know I'm missing that *one* crucial step...
  3. I'm pretty sure I went through the legality guide several times... any ideas? I did indeed deposit/withdraw from the PC to counter the PokeGen glitch. Any ideas? I uploaded from retail, edited the .pkm with PokeGen, and sent back to game.
  4. I went from GTS -> box, then traded them to the party of somebody else, where they did not work. edit: so the .pkm i posted earlier had the wrong egg recieve place, i fixed that and i still have problems. attached are the new ones, can't figure out the issue now thunder.pkm conk.pkm chand.pkm scarfty.pkm
  5. Hiya! So I took legit pokemon from another game, edited the stats in Pokegen (used the PID finder) and I read the legality guide. Why didn't these four pass the Wifi check? 560.pkm 642.pkm 534.pkm 609.pkm
  6. 1) I have this problem ALL the time. When your computer is booting up, try putting it into Safe Mode with Networking and see what happens. For me, this gives me a 100% success rate. If so, that means your Firewall or Security program is the cause. If not... 2) However, from what I understand, a normal connection with nintendo wifi needs to be possible in order to this to work - for me, I am CONSTANTLY having WFC troubles, which of course, is a part of the problem.
  7. Ah, it's likely a firewall thing, since those are off in Safe Mode. I'll look into that. http://img851.imageshack.us/f/dts2.jpg/ <- any ideas on this one? and finally, how receptive would you be to adding poketransfer functionality?
  8. perhaps this isn't the thread for this, but as of now I've got the following set up: Start | End | Protocol | IP Address | Enable 1 | 65535 | Both (TCP/UDP) | | Yes What else should be done in order to maximize functionality?
  9. Internal spoofing works fine when in Safe Mode. Tried using the IP it gives me, and my cart just connects to the Nintendo GTS - ShinyGTS doesn't even seem to log any attempts at a connection.
  10. I was previously using this program (and any other program built from sendpkmn) in Windows Safe Mode, so as to free up all of my ports - I could never figure out what was clogging port 80. I finally figured out what was using port80 and disabled the service. GTS programs can now run, but my DS will only connect to my computer every so often. The following is a log from ShinyGTS, but I presume that IR-GTS is doing the same thing, just not as verbose. Upon the FIRST attempt, there is a "CONNECTED ESTABLISHED" every time, but the Pokémon does not send until after at least four attempts. So when the bold stuff happens, I get a Pokémon, but it only happens once of every four attempts, (or rather, it is never LESS than four, sometimes more). I suspect it's because sendpkmn uses more ports than just 80 and I need to figure out what they are and free them, but perhaps I'm wrong, and if so, what is wrong here? EDIT: Ah, another thing: when running IR-GTS outside of Safe Mode, dragging .pkm files does literally nothing - i need to type in the path and name for IR-GTS to work. ideas on that?
  11. I can confirm that I am indeed getting this same error. On another note, I was previously using this program (and any other program built from sendpkmn) in Windows Safe Mode, so as to free up all of my ports - I could never figure out what was clogging port 80. I finally figured out what was using port80 and disabled the service. GTS programs can now run, but my DS will only connect to my computer every so often. So when the bold stuff happens, I get a Pokémon, but it only happens once of every four attempts, (or rather, it is never LESS than four, sometimes more). I suspect it's because sendpkmn uses more ports than just 80 and I need to figure out what they are and free them, but perhaps I'm wrong, and if so, what is wrong here?
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/?979szwk18u265zf is broken. if you need more space, I suggest signing up for a dropbox account (http://db.tt/Alnj7Ku) and putting the zip in the public folder, which will allow us to access it.
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