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Posts posted by MetalGenocide

  1. Greetings :)

    Decent time reader, first time poster ^^

    First off, great work over all, love it :)

    Hoping you can help me out with an minor error though.

    I have come across a problem with characteristics in the PID Finder / Stats part. The Characteristics in pokegen do not match up with the characteristics in the game.

    For example,

    my Snivy:

    PID No: 2949302540


    Nature: Modest

    HA: Psychic (43)

    Ability: Contray

    IV's :-

    HP :22

    Att :8


    SA :31

    SD :29

    SP :24

    Characteristic : Highly Curious

    However, in the game it comes up as Mischievous, and does not change even though the IV's match :(

    Edit #1: I have tried leveling and evolving them however it did not work. There may be an off chance that the characteristics in Pokégen may be wrong or at least still show the Gen 4 versions (apparently they were changed in gen 5, though not 100% sure).

    Edit #2: Ok, after a bit more research (had to catch some more pokémon :P ) I can safely say that the characteristics in Pokégen are mislabled.

    Comparing an unaltered Purrlion, in game it has Sturdy Body, however in Pokégen, it reads that it is Quick Tempered. So..

    New question is, under the PID setting when searching for the Pokémon (the little f next to the PID box) what should the Method be set to for Pokémon Black and White as the unaltered Purrlion does not come up under any of them? :P

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