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About xLFx

  • Birthday 07/25/1989
  1. Hello everyone, I'm new here and I joined because I wanted to share a new code with everyone that I accidentally created while messing with XP codes. The following code works as an XP Share in that when you finish a battle (singles only) all the pokemon in your party are given xp except for the one that made the opposing pokemon faint. For example: Battle starts I sent out Snivy, he win the battle and gains no XP however the rest of my pokes in party do. Here's the code: 521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80220 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000 Press R on your ds when it says the pokemon fainted and it will activate. Sometimes after activating it once it will stay on until you save and turn the game on again with the code off. Hope you all enjoy and I hope it helps making leveling up easier for some. Again, I'm new and I apologize if this is in the wrong place.
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