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Sunny day

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Posts posted by Sunny day

  1. Oh well, do not ask me about nicknames... Every Pokémon has to have a nickname in my game! :) Mostly I give them names I like, in most cases it is just the name with no additional meaning or something. A great part do have something in common with the name of the Pokémon. That could be the first 1/2/3 characters of the name, maybe a particle of it, or a name which is hidden in the Pokémon name. But I do like names with a meaning, so a name with a meaning which is striking for the Pokémon could be applied too. Furthermore, the 'meaningful' names, which are no common names for people, but based on things, phenomena or thoughts, are another category. And what is left, are the funny names! Of course I do not like some Pokémon, so I will torment them with a weird nickname. And others just have bad luck. That category is not that relevant for people here, because they are mostly made out of jokes in my native language. And translating them would be dumb. ;)

    Let's explain some names, then!

    Ambipom: Ambidexter (F/M)

    Very funny for such an idiotic Pokémon like Ambipom. ^^

    Roselia: Rosalie (F)

    An 'anagram' for Roselia (although only two vowels are swapped), and well, just look at the name... It is almost the same, and it has something to do with roses.

    Salamence: Salami (F/M)

    Another name which is not that serious, but as you can see the first five letters are the same.

    Lunatone: Luna (F)

    About 'names in names', Luna is very striking for a Pokémon that looks like a moon!

    Sandshrew/Sandslash: Sandra (F)

    Instead of Wraith picking the 'shrew' part, I picked the 'sand' part and wait, Sandra contains the word sand! Plain and simple.

    Nidorina: Rina (F)

    I think I do not have to explain that name?

    Kadabra: Kadaver (F/M)

    Well, from the department of morbid humour, the name is derived from Cadaver, as you could notice.

    Bellsprout/Weepingbell/Victreebel: Bella (F)

    The whole evolutionary chain contains at least the letters 'bel', so...

    Ponyta: Lavinia (F)

    I really like that name, and somewhere it almost has 'lava' in it, so it looks suitable for a Fire Pokémon. But besides that, it is just a cute name for a Ponyta.

    Muk: Musk (F/M)

    A well-known ingredient of perfume, must smell a lot nicer than a Muk, according to the Pokédex!

    Tangela: Angela (F)

    The most extreme form of 'a name in a name', just remove the T and you get Angela.

    Omastar: Stella (F)

    This one is clear I suppose?

    Moltres: Sulfura (F/M)

    Sulfura is the French name of Moltres, derived from sulphur as it seems. Anyway, I like that name a lot better!

    Dratini: Snoepje (F)

    The diminutive of sweet or candy in Dutch, because Dratini is such a sweet thing. ^^

    Meganium: Megan (F)

    It is starting to get a bit boring with explaining...

    Noctowl: Athena (F)

    This one is as cliché as it can be, I am afraid.

    Flaaffy: Morgana (F)

    Yes, this one is a least thought-through. Morgana is the shepherdess from the opera Alcina of Georg Friedrich Händel (which is based on the epic of Ludovico Ariosto, named 'Orlando Furioso'). I am not really sure, but I thought Morgana did not belong to the epic of Ariosto, although the link between sheep and shepherdess is close enough, I think. ;)

    Sudowoodo: Sudoku (F/M)

    Well, look at the similarity. A funny name for people who like those games.

    Sunkern/Sunflora: Sunny (F)

    The perfect Pokémon to be called Sunny, I think.

    Wooper: Miyako (F)

    I really like this name, but I only recently gave it to my Woopers/Quagsires. It comes from 'mi' (beautiful), 'ya' (night) and 'ko' (child). 'Ko' is often used for the end of female names, but the meaning of it is in this case fairly good for a little Wooper.

    Mantine: Tamanta (F/M)

    The romanised Japanese name, I believe. Tamana could also be used if you have a female Mantine.

    Skarmory: Victoria (F)

    I have the tendency to give birds the name Victoria (I used it for Fearow and Pidgeotto too, for example).

    Tyranitar: Tyra (F)

    Drop -nitar and you get this! I do not have Tyranitars often, though.

    Lugia: Lucia (F)

    One character change and you got a proper name.

    Ho-oh: Aurelia (F)

    For those who do not know; it means 'Dawn'.

    Linoone: Angelina (F)

    Especially the 'Lina' part comes from Linoone.

    Kirlia: Kiri (F)

    Named after the girl in Sootopolis City who gives you berries every day.

    "My parents wished I would grow healthy and warm-hearted", or something like that. :P

    Gardevoir: Cynthia (F)

    Plusle: Kyrielle (F)

    I listed this one because I have no clou where I found this weird name.

    Torkoal: Etna (F)

    Well, you could use another random volcano on earth for it.

    Regirock: Ragnarok (F/M)

    I cannot get enough of this: Ragnarok looks a lot like Regirock. It comes from the Norse mythology of course, the awaiting disastrous events in the future that destroy everything. Well, maybe a bit optimistic for Regirock's power, I guess. ^^

    Regice: Antarctica (F/M)

    Another 'meaningful' name of the same kind as the one above, but Antarctica is a very innocent name instead.

    Infernape: Incendie (F)

    Incendie means 'fire' in French.

    Bronzong: Campanella (F/M)

    Meaning 'little bell' in Italian, and I believe Bronzong is supposed to be a bell?

    Snover: Setsuna/Suzuna (F)

    I used both names, but Setsuna had something to do with snow ('calm snow', or something).

    Togekiss: Valentina (F)

    Named after my favourite classical pianist Valentina Lisitsa. :)

    Gallade: Ballade (F/M)

    Again, the secret of one character change! Together with Waltz (for Ralts), I would make a whole dance related evolutionary chain, but I cannot come up with a good dance which looks like Kirlia and Gardevoir.

    Froslass: Candy (F)

    Because Froslass looks like a candy, with that ribbon around her middle.

    Uxie: Gyeonmun

    I could not come up with a good name for it, something with acuity did not work too, so I switched to Korean. It seems to mean 'knowledge', but there is a chance I picked the wrong word.

    Heatran: Lavana (F)

    I thought one of the three minor leaders of team Dim Sun was called Lavana.

  2. Due to Japan's previous antagonism with Korea, we had an effective ban against Japanese cultural products until like 2004. :/
    Really? :o But the Bule version is focussed mainly on non-Japanese culture, as you could read in my short summary! Or is there any town called Plataeae at Hokkaido? :P
  3. Eh I knew no one would perfectly fit the description, so I wrote "choose the one which fits you the best". I had a hard time between Oddball or Noblesse... but I just picked Noblesse in the end because that's the direction I tend to be going nowadays, even if I have a lot of Oddball in me.

    If all else fails just pick OTHERS.

    Yeah, I did not expect to fit perfectly in your descriptions, but still I have to choose in some way between them! I do not really know which aspect of the description is more accurate for me, so that is why I wrote a long story about it. Noblesse includes the aesthetic vision more, but Everstonite is just more than true as a result from that emphasis on aesthetics... but those aesthetics work something different for me, as you can read. And I want to choose one of them, because when everyone sticks with 'Others' (because nothing really fits, as you stated yourself) it results in a boring poll result in which 90% chose 'Others' or something. :\
  4. Hello Bioshadow. I never heard of Bule version actually; I'd like to see what that is o_o
    I think they did not sell the Bule version in Korea, Wraith. :P But it is a really interesting version of the old games, in which you have to choose Bulebasaur as starter, after a short preambule of Bach that keeps you waiting, and after hours of gameplay you finally battle the Eltie Fout at Indigo Plataeae (an restored ancient Greek temple). It is a shame you did not know about this highly interesting game! :D

    Besides that, welcome to Project Pokémon, Bioshadow! :)

    I hope you will enjoy your stay here in the end and have fun browsing the forum. I was wondering if you came to PP for specific reasons, if you maybe have some specific interests about the Pokémon games (like competitive battling, hacking and editing and the like)..? I almost forgot to put my question mark there, I write such weird sentences...

    Well, I hope to see you again!

  5. Hehe, you have to be bored more often, Wraith! Only in this way there are some funny topics created at PP. And I like those polls, too. :) Let's see what I have to say about it...


    You only like using cute Pokemon and don't care if they win or lose in a battle. In fact, evolving Pokemon makes them ugly; why do it? Some have gone far to become Infante Fatale; winning battles with deceptively powerful baby Pokemon!

    [icon]282[/icon]The Noblesse

    You only like using Pokemon of elegant quality in terms of aesthetics, such as Empoleon or Gardevoir. You're born a noble, so you should put up that image to whoever you're around and avoid using ragtag Pokemon like Rattata or Zubat. In extreme cases, they are extremely picky and do not even acknowledge the existence of commoner Pokemon.


    If you're not one of these guys, please explain.

    I was gonna say Extreme Old Schooler, but I realised I actually do acknowledge the existence of the new Pokemon; I'm just not fond of them. I'm a semi-noblesse because I like all the beautiful looking Pokemon and try to fit my team into a theme of royals or something like that. Notice how I usually tend to use a Ninetales and an Empoleon or something. I'm also some sort of oddball because I use weird sets or something too. What's yours?

    I just quoted a random compilation of the types of Trainers and some additional writing which are applicable to me, I think. Firstly, I am definitely an Everstonite, because I am always running out of Everstones in my game (recently, I had to dig them up in the underground of Sinnoh!). Actually, I really detest the 'real babypokémon' like Pichu, Igglybuff, Azurill and the such, but I am very fond of the first stages of evolutionary chains. So yeah, I cannot deny I am not picking cute, little Pokémon. :) Secondly, to define why I somehow belong to the 'Others' group and to explain why I think 'Noblesse' would also be right to choose: I am primarily focussed on aesthetic values of Pokémon. This expresses itself mainly in choosing Pokémon I like, which are mostly those little creatures and some elegantly looking Gardevoir things - very subjective of course. But in this way, the two groups overlap each other. What does not really fit, is that I am not really a noble type, and besides, it would conflict with my love for some 'ordinary' Pokémon like Zigzagoon or something. So if I would be more accurate, I would say I belong somewhere in a grey area between those Everstonites and Noblesses.

    And why I quoted you Wraith, was because I somehow thought the same about the group 'Islanders', but there always are some Pokémon outside of the selected group who I cannot exclude (like some Sinnoh Pokémon). Aside from some specific Sinnoh Pokémon I like, I am not really a Gen IV (and totally not a) Gen V enthusiast.

    I do not know with option I should vote for the poll, though, so I still have to think about it! But it is a nice poll you made. :)

  6. Well, I pretty much like all kinds of music as long as it's good music, if you know what I mean?
    No, I do not know what you mean, actually. That is why I ask people what kind of music they like, because it seems a universal 'good' or 'bad' does not exist... It would be pretty difficult to say how many 'disappointments' some kind of music need to have to be classified as bad (or good), otherwise. Maybe you can explain a bit what is good in your opinion? (I you want) :)
  7. Hello Rilgar!

    Welcome to Project Pokémon! :) I hope you liked the site so far, and hopefully you will enjoy your time here in the future. If you have aspirations to get back into wi-fi battling; there is a whole board dedicated to competitive battling, so I think you will have to check it out! It is not really my cup of tea by the way, but others can help you out definitely (if needed, of course). Well finally, I want to question one thing which has nothing to do with Pokémon (although, it depends on your answer). I do like to know what kind of music you prefer and if you maybe have some favourite artists? If you would answer that for me, I'm happy. :)

    Enjoy your stay and I hope to see you again!

  8. Hello Kirak!

    Welcome to Project Pokémon! :)

    I am always wondering how people can keep up with more fora, and being active everywhere! Only PP will keep me going enough, for the time being... or maybe even too much. Anyway, I greatly hope you will get to know the community a little, for I believe I did not succeed in it so far, but you can give it a try. ;) So, what is your main interest to become a member here? Are you busy with editing/hacking, with competitive battling, with just the games, or something else?

    Well, enjoy your time here and I hope to see you again! :)

  9. Nah it takes way too long to get a lot of coins. You don't lose coins but making a mistake earns you nothing. I'm already "okay" with this game and I can still earn like a couple of coins but the earning is too slow. That's for sure -_-

    Or... the prizes that were once 4000 are now some insane number like 10000 (I'm looking at you, TM 13/24/35) making it all the harder to get such coveted TMs. Oh joy :/

    I think I take that more as a problem, those high prizes. I mean, Voltorb flipping is quite good for earning coins, but to get 10000 each time is a bit hard. Maybe I am the only one who is bored enough to buy a Dratini, TM13 and TM24 in the Game Corner, but... In Pearl I would not even try to 'gamble' such high prizes. :S It is such a ridiculous difference between getting a Pokémon like Dratini, as I mentioned, and a simple TM like Ice Beam! So, indeed, raising the prizes and remove the Coin Dealer was not really a good move. But to be honest, if the prizes were lower, I do not miss the Coin Dealer... I really like Voltorb flipping in a spare moment. :)

    Well, if you get used to Voltorb flip, you can play it much faster, I noticed. I make a lot of mistakes too, but you can at least optimize your time investment with it. ;)

  10. My problem with voltorb flip is that

    1. it takes too long, earning a measly 3000 coins takes an hour or so, assuming few mistakes.

    2. you cannot guarantee a win, there is a large element of chance, which is really anoying when (as has happened to me) you clear almost the whole board, except for two 3s in 4 spaces, and you know they are cattycorner from eachother. if you quit now, you only get 100 freakin coins after 10-15 minutes, but you have a 50/50 shot of looseing all that work. slots, each round is done in 5 seconds, and you move on.

    3. SLOTS WERE SKILL BASED. the slots were not really gambling since you could, if you had the skill, you could win a ton. on fire-red, i using just the free 100 or so coins you can find/beg, made enough coins to buy a dratini and a scyther. on at least on occasion during this run, i got the jackpot twice in a row.

    4. time investment. on slots, a mistake costs you three coins. you start another spin, and your back on track. in voltorb flip, you slip, make a mental blunder, or GUESS WRONG, and you can easily lose 15-20 minutes of work (lets say your up at level 7-8, you have to guess to start off with because theres no 0 row. you get a voltorb. WELCOME TO LEVEL 1 WERE YOU GET JACK ALL FOR COINS as you slog back up to the good payouts.

    That's weird. To earn a 'measly 3000 coins' with gambling back in the days of FireRed and LeafGreen, it took an hour (if it is not more than that), too. And those fruit machines do not guarantee a win, just like Voltorb flipping. In both games there is a large element of chance (like, they are created for that!) and Voltorb flipping also incorporates Skill... I mean, I you have the Skill, you can win a ton. By the way, a mistake with Voltorb flipping does not cost you any coins, while a mistake in that gambling game costs you three coins each turn. Practically, you cannot lose any coins with Voltorb flipping, so what is the problem with that game? :\
  11. If you know (of) me, don't be afraid to hit me up on my VM wall.
    Do I have to be afraid to hit you up on your VM wall then, since I do not know (of) you? ^^

    Well, beside that, welcome to Project Pokémon. :) What is you main interest to become active here (again), if I may ask you?

    I hope you enjoy your time and the such!

  12. It's a basic stanima. I'm not sure if it has diffrent effects for you but it's really good because for me it dosn't decrease anything

    Note: Use this when nothing else has increased otherwise it may increase skill and decrease speed:frown:

    Whether the Aprijuice decreases or increases a stat fully depends on your Pokémon. In principle, every juice will increase or decrease something... but for some Pokémon it does not seem to decrease a stat. I thought that had something to do with their condition, which varies every day. On the other hand, you cannot give your Pokémon more juices than one at the same time. The effects of the second juice you will give your Pokémon replaces those of the juice you have given it before.
  13. Hello lucario750!

    Welcome to Project Pokémon! :) Luckily I know something else to say besides a simple hello (and Full Metal does, too), otherwise it would be a bit quiet here! You could be more specific about 'battle trade play roms', for example... But must I conclude from it you own no original game? And which games do you play the most as roms, in that case? Are you maybe interested in competitive battling, or do you do it already..? There is even much to ask about such little information!

    Oh, and by the way:

    I dont know what else to say besides i like to battle trade play roms and play yugioh bakugan and beyblade
    I do not want to whine much about such things, but maybe you could implement your text with some punctuation, for it reads a lot better...

    Well, enjoy your stay and I hope to see you again!

  14. I was wondering if someone could make a signature of the information which is filling my signature at the moment? I usually took the animated sprite of Wingull, but since I could not put any .gif images in my signature here, it had to be those normal sprites. But they lack a bit of... vitality or something. ^^ I thought a signature maybe could give it somehow a more lively feeling. I looked through this thread a bit and I saw you all got a nice flaw of inspiration to make cool things! So I would ask you if you can change that still life into a beautiful signature. :) I do not have much preferences, but if I have to say something: I do not like it to be much in height, and keep it a bit sweet, if that is possible. And if you need a colour to base it on, I like that aqua/turquoise blue colour really much - the colour where the text is written in now.

    Well, although I am very picky when it comes to images and the such, I do not know any good ones for peaceful Wingulls myself, so can I leave that to you? I am counting on you! Oh, and take your time, I am really patient. :)

  15. Well well, I managed to beat Clair at my Heart Gold game. Mostly, Clair gives me a lot of trouble (unlike the other Gymleaders), but this time it was fairly simple! :) I gave my Dragonair Nevermeltice to hold, to beat Clair's with Ice beam, and it went very well. I could beat Gyarados with Thunderbolt, so that was quite easy, too. What surprised me, was that my Dragonair survived the Dragon Pulse of Kingdra, so that she could paralyse the sea horse. I switched to Tropius and thus switched in on Hydro Pump. ^^ Pretty lucky! After two Dragon Dances Tropius OKHO'd Kingdra with Fly, landing on a crucial spot, as it seemed (it was a critical hit). It never went so quickly and easy, Kingdra usually is very problematic...

    Anyhow, I have to go to the Victory Road, but I am still picking Apricorns to make Love Balls and the such. I think I already have nearly 70 Heavy Balls or something, so maybe it is time to stop collecting them, for I only use a few of those custom Pokéballs to catch Pokémon with. :D

  16. Sunny, I edited that second post he made. It used to say ":( guess people don't really appreciate me"
    Whaha, you genius! I did not saw that! :D Anyway, let's see what Zoruafan494 has to say about Pikastew, then. Maybe it is fun. ^^
  17. Ewww Pearl. Ponyta doesn't get Flame Wheel in that version. Level 16 Ember and 19 Stomp I believe. Good luck -_-
    Yes, I noticed that too, when Ponyta learned Fire Spin at level 25! Haha, it is a total bummer, indeed! Although, you know me... I can get around with that kind of things. I started to like my green Zubat too much, too, so I did not let it evolve until now (she is at level 28 at the moment). On the other hand, Maylene's Lucario could better watch it, for Ponyta can incinerate it with Fire Blast. :) I am going to buy that TM now in that Department Store of Veilstone. It is an absolute recommendation if you have nothing else for Lucario. They share the same speed tier, so with good luck you may begin with Fire Blasting, before Lucario strikes back with something else. My Ponyta has a Rash nature, so I hope I can get an advantage of that.

    Well, to keep things a bit shorter now, I am going to defeat Maylene, for it seems I have to that first. ;)

  18. Firstly, I like to comment on a few misunderstandings:

    :) guess people eat Pikastew for breakfast
    Nice guess, but you have to deal with members here. And members have completely different eating habits in comparison with 'people'!
    Some people don't get a reply at all, so... be thankful for this one.
    Ho, ho! Everyone deserves at least one reply, and therefore gets one (by you, or by me). Although you always may be thankful for it, I will not negate that. ^^

    Oh, welcome to Project Pokémon, Zoruafan494! :)

    It seems your name is hinting to Victini (is that right?), but since your a Zorua fan... I do not know. And since you have not given a lot of information yourself, I will ask my favourite question: Which kind of music do you prefer and do you maybe have some favourite artists? Please tell me that, if you like, and watch out before you choke in the Pikastew. xD

    Well, I better get going. Have a nice time here!

  19. Hmm, this topic is not as fairly good as it is for HG/SS, it seems. ^^

    Anyway, there are plenty of happenings on my side. I restarted with Pearl two days ago. :) I did not want to have any of the starters, so I traded myself a Froslass to begin with. It also came to mind I could not catch a Kirlia (it is possible with Pokéradar, but hey, that is after I beat the Elite Four!). I mixed things up with Platinum, I suppose. Well, it went fine for a while, and when I accidentally walked through Ravaged Path, I met a shiny Zubat! I could catch her, so I did, and I took her in my party. Recently, I trained my Pokémon with Cheryl in Eterna Forest until lv. 20 or something. Training with her is very handy as Cheryl keeps healing your Pokémon after every battle and you get the full exp. points of the two opponents you defeated. After that, I caught a Budew in Eterna Forest (since it has the ability to cut trees... for some reason) and a Ponyta on Route 211. It is a pain to train with only Tackle as attacking move, even while Ponyta has a decent attack stat! I hope I can defeat more of those of my kind, because Ponyta has a rather high exp. point value... and wrapping Chingling's are frustrating me! When Ponyta finally learns Ember, I think I head over to the Gym of Gardenia. ;)

  20. Hmm, a few years back I liked mainly Grass, Bug or Water Pokémon, but it shifted a bit when Gen 4 came out. When I started to like Snover, Glaceon and Froslass, I immediately liked the half of the total of Ice Pokémon! ...A bit exaggerated, but it was a joke anyway. ;) Beside that, I still like Flying Pokémon very much (most Bugs were Bug/Flying, too), and I always liked the legendary birds more than the other legendary Pokémon...

    Well, I am not going to pick Ice, but I choose Flying. :)

  21. Hello. I have a question here. I've noticed that when a Pokemon the opposing trainer uses does NOT possess a move that can affect your Pokemon out in any way are either forced to retreat or if it is the last Pokemon, keep spamming a move that does nothing. However, the behaviour seems awfully strange for Red. When I had my Lapras out, I used Surf to take his Charizard down to red HP. Then Red RETREATED his Charizard and sent out his Venusaur to take the incoming Ice Beam that was supposed to finish off the Charizard. Heh heh... anyways, I'm rather confused here. Normally a trainer does not switch out their Pokemon unless given the conditions mentioned above, then why would Red switch out his Charizard who had things that could hurt Lapras to send out a Venusaur? Can anybody shed some light here? Are there other conditions that affect the AI's decision for switching out a Pokemon? Thank you.

    Do not expect an all-covering answer from my side, but I thought it has at least something to do with the 'smartness' of a specific Trainer. I am no expert on the subject or something, but while playing all games, I got the feeling some Trainers always switch, because 'they like to switch', rather than they are in a problematic situation you mentioned above. I do not know if that makes any sense, but stronger Trainers switch too, according to my experiences. Karen usually likes to switch in her Houndoom to get a Flash Fire boost, and in Platinum, Cynthia frequently switched in her Spiritomb (off course, when she had the chance earlier to switch her for another Pokémon). In Cynthia's case, it has something to do with all those resists of her Pokémon. But, beside stronger Trainers, I thought some in-game Trainers are well-known switchers too... although I am afraid I cannot give you an example right know. :\

    Well, when editing Trainers, you got an option for the smartness (per Pokémon, I believe), so maybe switching tactically is included in that too. And there is many data left which is unknown (to PP's ROM editor at least), so eventually it is some value which is not fully discovered.

    Anyway, beside that smartness story, Trainers do not only switch when they cannot do something. I think Red would switch tactically on Lapras' Surf and hit it with Frenzy Plant or what, but not every decision of them is always to be called 'smart'. ^^ Although you do not see it often, I am very sure Gymleaders/Elite Four Trainers/Champions can switch without your aforementioned conditions.

  22. Welcome to Project Pokémon, Mismagius! :)

    Sadly enough, no ghost here (although you remembered me of 'A Ghost In a Distortion' of Deep-pression). I noticed you play those Pokémon games in the same way as I do, that is a good thing to start with. By the way, back in the days of Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, I have tried to train a Kirlia. ^^ It was very hard, because the only thing you could do was Psychic! But, Kirlia is, beside her failed stats, an interesting thing. Nowadays she has more different moves, maybe I have to train one again. :)


    By the way, have you heard of LUGIA? It is said it lives in Whirl Islands for a long time... Nevermind, just talk of the old.

    Well, I wish you luck with your project (I once downloaded -accidentally- all attack animations of R/S/E, while I was looking for something else, but anyway, that were a lot of animations!). So, if you have to do them all, you are pretty busy! And... do not forget to enjoy your time here on Project Pokémon! I see you already posted some messages, so I do not have to worry about that.

    Fine, you may go now. xD

  23. Sunflora got Earth Power to defend herself against Fire Pokemon, which isn't half bad.
    Meh, that is the **th time you are spoiling my arguments with Gen 5 moves, and I do not know anything about Gen 5. xD So far as I know, Sunflora was a sort of Jellicent you describe (only capable of knowing Sludge Bomb... but everyone knows about that crappy coverage of it).
    Eh, the whole point was to show you that Pidgeot has relatively nothing over the other birds. If you compare different Pokemon with different Pokemon, it gets nowhere :/
    Okay, I know my efforts where pointless after all... :(

    Maybe you shall have a word with Guested, as it seems there is any role for Pidgeot left in 2 vs 2 battles? I will not try it for I know nothing about that too.

  24. How did you typed that in 15 minutes, Wraith? :o

    I am obviously lacking speed. ^^

    I'm saying why did they give it some nonsensical stats in the end if it wasn't going to have much of a potential in the first place?
    Maybe I am shifting from point to point, but sometimes something new comes up, which you do not necessarily have to see as a rejection of your arguments... Well, I think Game Freak did not really thought much about the potential of Pokémon in the first place. So, take Dragonite, back in the days of Red and Blue. Dragonite was a promising Pokémon too (due to the anime at least), it was mysterious, strong, the only 'dragon', Lance -the Dragon Master- got one in the game, but... Although it has good stats, it could only Hyper Beam, which leaves you immobile too. :\ Besides, Dragon Rage was his only Dragon attack, so what is this for pathetic presence of a mighty Dragon Pokémon? I only think they experimented with base stats, for the first generations (I & II), and meant nothing particular with it. Pidgeot got some 'seemingly' bad stats, but that was for the players to prove.

    Off course, the next generation they had an eye for more extreme base stats, so I think they maybe would be aware of competitive uses of Pokémon. In any case, they gave some new attacks to some 'neglected' Pokémon too, so it is more visible. But it leaves me the question: Did they let some Pokémon fail when they created them, or not? I know Dragonite is a powerhouse now, but that does not solve my question (although, a bit, because it seems they admit their fault with doing such things). Keep this in mind for a while, because I am going back to Pidgeot now. ;)

    The base stats of Pidgeot are really 'nonsensical', but your are stating too it can tie with Fearow, because it lacks Brave Bird. So that means some good attacks can make it something better, although the base stats are remaining the same? In that case, the problem 'could have been solved' if they gave Pidgeot meaningful attacks and moved Wing Attack a few levels down or something. (maybe you would say it is not enough, but at least, 'the problem' is solved on one major place. Oh yeah, and this is shifting to the speculative side too...) But if it was so, case closed. But what I mean with my Dragonite example, combined with this, it taking me to the following.

    The problem with that (the paragraph above) is, you mention other Pokémon as Walrein 'which you can use as staller'. But that really is an anachronistic view, did they really made Walrein to be like that? Walrein changed in Gen IV to be a potential staller (I am not really aware of changes in the world of competitive battling, but I thought Stallrein actually was a new invention back then. I did not became what it was immediately or very short after.) Anyway, even if it is not true what I said in the previous sentence, Wallrein was not that good in the times of R/S/E, when it was created. So was Azumarill, as you mention yourself. But, they get some additions in their moveset, ability or egg moves, which make them -at least- useful in competitive play. In the end, I am still sticking with that question, because I think you could apply that to Pidgeot, too. The point is, even some Pokémon that are now usable were sometimes pitiful when the were created (just as Pidgeot)... the only thing about Pidgeot is it got not improved, well the others did improve most of the time.

    Anyway, I do not think they wanted to make Pidgeot fail in the first place (I hope I made that point clear with that statement of Dragonite and the such), so its base stats is not really something to worry about. Off course, when it has spent 10 base stat in speed and attack, instead of defences, it would be a Fearow and useful as a sweeper. But even then it could be still outclassed, and it is not the case, so in principal it is fine with those weird base stats. Especially when I guessed right with that example of Fearow and Brave Bird you mentioned. Eh... I am getting of my point now. ^^ The problem is the moveset I think. That is the most simple way for Game Freak to solve such problems, but they did not. And there are many other Pokémon with the same problem. I am going to say Sunflora's name again, because Sunflora has one of the most worse movepools. Its stats are not that balanced as well, with that terrible 30 speed, but virtually all Grass moves take Sunflora to nowhere in the end. In those cases you ask yourself: do they will not accept/see that Pokémon fails that way? And off course, did they make it with that vision... or not? Hypno also was pretty pointless the first three generations I believe, but no, I just think they experimented. With Pidgeot, too.

    I know you still want to emphasize on the fact Pidgey is easy to get everywhere and Dragonite and the such are more exclusive. That makes them less comparable, I know. But why have they endlessly be compared with others? Hypno and Sunflora examples could not be comparable either (I already stopped to compare it with Snorunt. :)), but they seriously have something in common.

    But... I hope you can understand where I'm coming from and that it isn't just coming out of nowhere. You may already know I've pulled quite a few Pidgeot sweeps out of the hat for fun, but personal experiences can't count as an absolute; Pidgeot needs much more effort to pull in-game than the other birds, and competitively, more effort to maintain with unstable results when used.
    I noticed the pain is coming from deep regions (or how I have to say that). ^^ I hoped I could make a consistent story this time, but I am always dwelling of, so I do not know this would makes much sense after the previous message. The only thing I came to realise is that you are really focussed on comparisons with other birds, while I have the tendency to look for other random Pokémon, which got in my opinion a sort of the same problem as Pidgeot. Anyway, maybe I am hitting some questions to think about... I do not really have the time to revise my story, because... I took me two hours to write down. :( So yeah, it is more fun to go in-depth, but it takes me so much effort to do!

    (Hehe, I saw your edit while I was typing! The giant snake of rocks has just... 45 base attack to create endlessly long tunnel underground and smash itself through massive mountains! :D)

  25. Glalie has another chance of evolution (even if they're not doing that, but it still does). Pidgeot on the other hand has no other way since it is taking up the 3rd slot of a Pokemon evolution. did you still not get that after I've been saying that gazillion times? Besides, Snorunt has an alternate evo in the form of Froslass as well, which has a role. Also, Glalie isn't a common plain sight Pokemon; it's a side Pokemon people get to complete their Pokedex or for some other exotic reasons, unlike Pidgey. So moot point.

    The thing I already harped on is the not being able to evolve situation. I can understand those level 10 Bugs, such as Butterfree or Beedrill, since they're meant for early game ownage, but Pidgeot is clearly a long term Pokemon and there they messed up badly.

    Okay, so we agree on everything, except the 'he cannot have a possible chance of getting a evolution'? Since you stated it as a moot point, you may tell me why that question is such so decisive for you? What is the point of arguing with some highly speculative 'something that does not even exist on the point we are discussing'? I mean, it is not there! It is not even a wraith. :) Maybe GameFreak introduces a first 'evolutionary chain of 4' for Pidgeot in the near future! :o Sorry Wraith, unless you can explain it more clearly, I do not see the priority of that argument. And why does 'Glalie evolves even 6 levels later than majestic Pidgeot (and Snorunt is even harder to train than Pidgeotto, by the way)' not count? Is that difference meanless, then?

    Maybe I have to say Exploud... but I already know you consider him more lucky with his movepool (I consider him more lucky with that too. ^^). Or Jumpluff... but he is evolving at level 27, that is way to early, I suppose. Maybe you can tell me another thing instead: Why would you see Pidgeot as a such pitiful Pokémon? :| I get the feeling you want everyone to say you are right, and most of the members who said something are of the same opinion as you (see above), but why would Pidgeot so dogmatically be viewed as pathetic thing which cannot evolve anymore? What I want to make clear is that there are really a lot of other Pokémon which are neglected in the same (or in another) way as Pidgeot.

    Yes, if you keep focussing on the failure of Pidgeot, it will fail in the end. I think that is how it works.

    Edit: The heck, that signature of Matt the Pokemaniac blinded my eyes! :o

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