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Posts posted by broken-chan

  1. If ur using no$gba u need cheat codes to fix for flashcarts its a patch.hmm im wondering whats wrong

    I downloaded a patch. Tested both on my R4i and desmume. Didn't even bother to test on no$gba, to be honest, since it didn't work on the other two. It still has made no difference, I keep getting the blank screen.

    I also noticed the ROM's symbol on my R4i's menu is all messed up, not sure if that's relevant.

  2. oh no problem i feel ya

    Ok uhm... I just tried downloading a patch and it did nothing (well, it did what it was supposed to do, and now I have a .nds file and a .bak file, but the problem is still there). xD I think we might be having a communication issue, because you said it was a black screen (and the site where I got the patch also said it'd get rid of the black screen), but I don't have a black screen showing up. I have a blank screen, as in all white. Maybe it's a different issue then?

  3. dude the black screen and crash is AP(Anti-Piracy) u need ar codes and patches to fix them.lol

    Thanks for the reply. Like I said, I'm entirely new to this, so sorry if it's something obvious that I should already know. ^^; Now that I know what the issue is I'll probably be able to do a better research about it, haha. Let's see if I can figure out what codes and patches we're talking about here.

  4. Before anything, I am a complete newbie at editing ROMs and anything related to that. I've only done it once, and it didn't even work. xDDD So I ask that you please have a tiny bit of patience with me.

    I wanted to do a little editing to Pokemon HeartGold. Nothing too complex (I think), just a few sprite changes. For that, obviously, I'll need a ROM. Now... I've followed the tutorial that's on the sticky post on this forum, I've checked a couple of tutorials on Youtube, and so far I haven't been successful at backing up my game's ROM.

    I'm doing the Wifi method. I've already used two different FTP servers to try that, and I'm using a Nintendo DS Lite and a R4 (I have read that you can't do it on a DSi, but I have that as well if it's an option). I have no issues with the file transfer or anything, but when I try to test (both on the R4 and on the desmume emulator) the .nds file it creates, I just get a blank (as in 100% white) screen. If I try it on No$GBA emulator, it tells me the ROM image crashed.

    What I'm wondering is, is there something else that needs to be done to the file after transferring it that I'm not aware of, or am I just destined to never get it to work? xD Or maybe there is a different method that doesn't use Slot-2 (as I don't have a flashcard for that slot, neither do I think I could obtain one anytime soon)?

    I really, really hope this is the right place to ask. If I'm posting in the wrong place, I'm terribly sorry and please do correct me and tell me where to go and I'll gladly go there. Thank you very much for your attention, and sorry for the wall of text.

    Edit: Because I understand not everyone wants to read the replies to figure out any updates, I figured I'd just put them here. xDDD

    - Apparently it really isn't an Anti-Piracy issue, because no patch can fix it (and the screen doesn't go black, it goes white).

    - My ROM's symbol is all messed up on my R4i. Imagine... Those little puzzles from inside the Ruins of Alph, except with my ROM's symbol, haha.

  5. Well hello everyone!

    My name is Amanda, but I'm used to being called Broken online, so you're all free to call me that if you wish. Just follow your heart, haha.

    I ran into the Project Pokemon while googling some help to do some hacking I was attempting (and failing at), and it seems quite nice here, so I figured I'd join. I'm not very good with introductions, though. ^^; Let's see... My favorite Pokemon game is Crystal, my top favorite Pokemon is Caterpie, followed by Dratini and Dragonair (who happen to be tied in second place), and... I think that's it? xD I don't know what's supposed to be said in those threads...

    Either way, that's me! Nice to meet everyone who I might come to meet in here. =p

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