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Posts posted by DigitalMan

  1. Yeah, this is kind of a newbie thread. But I'm not your average newbie. Got a background in networking and software engineering, which I may be willing to put to use.

    I see a lot of different tools and ideas going in a lot of different directions, and there is a lot of conflicting information on how to use this stuff. You do need AR, you don't need AR, only works with these games, doesn't work with that game, needs Python, runs in Wine... I can't sort it all out, it's chaos. So please, allow me to tell you my situation, and then you can hopefully tell me what I need to download - or build myself.

    First and foremost, I want to create Pokemon files from scratch. Not just edit some save, I want to sit here (at a command line if need be) and enter in every value for the Pokemon. Preferably as an egg, too, then there's no trainer issues.

    Then, I want to transfer that pokemon to the DS. I don't much care how - it can be through GTS, or a simulated "trade" with my PC (which is probably a whole lot simpler), or even a fake Nintendo WFC Mystery Gift.

    Preferably, these utilities should run in Linux, though I could potentially set up my Windows laptop for the task.

    I do not have an Action Replay. If I did, I'd be entering these values manually, just like in the good old days.

    I do have an actual DNS server sitting at my feet. Forget the utilities, just tell me what address needs redirection and I'll do it myself in a snap.

    So, what can you do for me... and what can I do for you?

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