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Posts posted by bdubs

  1. As of the time of posting I have yet to successfully transfer a pokemon from a .pkm file on my computer to my Nintendo DS via the GTS.

    Things I have done that I can think of off the top of my head:

    - I have opened up ports 80 and 53

    -I have made sure that I matched the DNS server number correctly (no typos)

    -I have attempted to use my actual Ip address, my DNS, my ipv4 address, and my ipv6 address to no avail.

    -I have skype and steam on my hard drive, but have both run in safe mode and specifically restarted my computer with only those programs turned off.

    - I have temporarily turned off my firewall and found it to not be the problem.

    - The error code I am receiving on my DS is 52100

    - My Nintendo DS is an original DS and not a newer model like the DS lite, DSi etc.

    -The error I receive on the hyper GTS client says that I have failed to communicate in the allotted time.(I don't know anything about this error any info would be useful).

    -Pkmsendportcheck says the ports are open.

    -sendPKM.exe/DNS_server.exe simply acknowledges that I have connected and subsequently does nothing as my DS errors

    -Yes I am sure I can connect to the GTS normally. I have done so just yesterday and completed a trade.

    -I have attempted to run this with GTS_nuker, HyperGTS, and a few random "sendpkm.py" and "DNS_server.exe" files I have found around the net. I would be willing to try more but doubt the programs the problem.

    Typically the Nintendo DS wifi appears to connect momentarily before subsequently losing the connection. It then attempts to reconnect and loses the connection again about 4-5 times before giving me the error code. I have checked previous threads and not found a work-around to my problem. If there is one that I missed I'm sorry :tongue:.

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