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Posts posted by birkby91

  1. EU barely have any relevant Action Replay codes. Most of the interesting codes are American only, is there anyway to convert an American code?

    For instance, this makes the player character wear a team rocket uniform

    62111880 00000000

    B2111880 00000000

    10025D90 00000103

    D2000000 00000000

    But its US only -.-

    Can anyone here help?

    Also the Pokesav codes are also US only.

    Been searching for hours all over google, including with keywords such as -"North America" -(U) -Us -Usa

    and then most of it was spam, or the 2-3 codes on codejunkies.

    Anyone knows where we can get proper codes for the EU version?

    I have some off the events if anyone is iterested

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