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Posts posted by FattyFatFatFat

  1. SO, here it is! The mighty location list!


    Roland should be posting the downloadable file to the main page sometime soon, but since this is already here, I'll give you the deets:

    -This spreadsheet is a direct transcription of the pokemon location file that's used in this hack. I did my best, but spreadsheeting is kind of mind-numbing, so there may be the occasional error. Let me know if you find one and I'll fix it.

    -Next to each pokemon I've noted the locations that include them.

    -There are even handily color-coded (see legend at top of spreadsheet).

    -If a pokemon could be encountered in multiple ways at a single location (e.g., both Walking Anytime and Walking Night, or Walking Anytime and Surfing, or Old Rod and Super Rod) I only bothered to note the first method. If you're looking that hard for a single pokemon in a single location, it might be worth trying different methods/times.

    -I only bothered to note down a maximum of eight locations per pokemon. I mean, do you really need to know every single place you can find a magikarp? If you're having that much trouble finding one, you may need more help than I can give you.

    -This list does not take into account pokemon that you can get through the underground, mass outbreaks, or the trophy garden. Almost all of those are available in the wild anyway.

    -For all of the legendaries that you get either through the plot or event items, I just made a note of that.

    -I've noticed that there are some inaccuracies in the location file's documentation. For example, Iron Island Cave B2F Left and Right should be reversed. The spreadsheet does not reflect this. Also, some pokemon that SHOULD be able to be encountered at anytime only show up in the morning (bastiodon is the only such one I can confirm, but I suspect others). If you're having trouble finding a pokemon at the location/time noted on the spreadsheet, it may be worth trying other methods/times.

    -The following pokemon are not available in the wild and must be bred, evolved, mined, or trophy gardened:





































    Aaaaaaand I think that's it. Whew! I hope that this is of some help to future Perfect Platinum players.

  2. All right.

    So, after much to-do, I got in touch with Roland and managed to catch the last Pokemon I needed. Horray!

    Now that that is done, I am slowly but surely compiling a spreadsheet of locations. I am currently about 75% through it. Expect to see it within a few weeks.

  3. So, I've attempted to contact Roland about this, but since it doesn't look like he's been active for quite a time, I thought I'd post here as well to see if I can get my question answered any faster this way.

    I'm very very close to catching 'em all. I just need to know the general (or specific) whereabouts of the following:



    Shieldon and/or Blastiodon (I have an odd ID#, so no luck in the underground)

    Other than that I've managed to get all the Pokemon. I hope to make a location list (since no one else has) when I'm done... Not that I managed to find EVERY single one in the wild (a number were evolved or bred), but once I have the above list, I'll have every single Pokemon available in this game.

    I really hope that someone here can help me out. And if not, I hope that someone can point Roland in my direction so I can get help from the creator himself. Many thanks!

  4. Hello there.

    First, I must say that I am incredibly thankful that someone went to the bother to create this. I have been a fan of the Pokemon franchise since its beginning, though I never played any of the video games because it always irked me that you couldn't CATCH 'EM ALL in any one game, and that acquiring a large number of Pokemon required trading them etc (I play video games to NOT interact with other people). So when a friend of mine found this hack for me and set me up with it, I was thrilled that I could finally become a Pokemon master and CATCH 'EM ALL just as I had always dreamed.

    However, I do have some questions.

    1: What does this mean: "4 event items are available through in-game trades. Allowing access to event legendaries. (Be sure to remove the items from the pokemon once the trade is completed!)" What is an event item? What is an in-game trade? Remove what items from what pokemon once what trade is completed? I do want to catch these pokemon, but not being an experienced pokemon game-player, I am baffled by this brief instruction. Could someone please explain this process more thoroughly?

    2: I see from earlier in this thread that there was some talk of an informal location list. Did this ever happen? I would be highly interested in it. Namely because I keep being stumped in my efforts to CATCH 'EM ALL.

    I haven't encountered any bugs or anything in my play-through of this game. Many thanks again for its creation; I never want to play pokemon any other way.

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