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Posts posted by Dude22376

  1. Hi, I recently learned to RNG abuse. I am attempting to capture a quint-flawless Scyther in the south section of Route 210. However, there's one problem:

    http://www.eggmove.com/encounterplat.htm lists Scyther's encounter slots as 2 and 6, meaning it has an encounter rate of 15%. This is only true in the morning. My target time occurs at 3:00 p.m., which is in the afternoon. Scyther's encounter rate in the afternoon is 5%. So that means that it uses different encounter slots.

    My question is, which encounter slots do Scyther use in the afternoon?

    Additionally, if I could get a list of encounter slots for all other Pokemon that appear on Route 210 south in the afternoon, I would appreciate it as I will be able to check which frame I hit if I didn't succeed.

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