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10 GoodAbout LacusEternal
- Birthday 11/01/1987
Is there a Action Replay Code for White 2 that can find out what a Pokemon's Secret ID Number is?
.PKM Files I'm Sharing (Please Don't Remove Thread)
LacusEternal replied to LacusEternal's topic in PKM
Meloetta Eng Event OT: SPR2013 ID: 03013 Attacks: Round, Teeter Dance, Psychic, Close Combat Meloetta(ENG)(SPR2.pkm -
.PKM Files I'm Sharing (Please Don't Remove Thread)
LacusEternal replied to LacusEternal's topic in PKM
Reshiram OT: Boy: Ace, Girl: Kari ID: Boy: 01397, Girl: 57369 Attacks:- ExtraSensory, Fusion Flare, Dragon Pulse, Imprison Zekrom OT: Boy: Ace, Girl: Kari ID: Boy: 01397, Girl: 57369 Attacks:- Zen Headbutt, Fusion Bolt, Dragon Pulse, Imprison Walmart Promotion (Piplup,Chimchar,Turtwig) Piplup OT: Boy: Ace, Girl: Kari ID: Boy: 01397, Girl: 57369 Attacks:-Pound,Growl,Bubble, Featherdance Chimchar OT: Boy: Ace, Girl: Kari ID: Boy: 01397, Girl: 57369 Attacks:- Leer, Ember, Taunt, Fake Out Turtwig OT: Boy: Ace, Girl: Kari ID: Boy: 01397, Girl: 57369 Attacks:- Tackle,Withdraw,Absorb,Stockpile Reshiram(TM)..pkm Reshiram(TF)..pkm Zekrom (TM)..pkm Zekrom (TF)..pkm Piplup(Walmart)TF.pkm Piplup(Walmart)TM.pkm Chimchar(Walmart).pkm Chimchar(Walmart).pkm Turtwig(W)TF..pkm Turtwig(W)TM..pkm -
Plasma Genesect OT: Plasma ID: 10072 Attacks:-Techno Blast,Magnet Bomb,SolarBeam,Signal Beam Summer Keldeo OT: SMR2012 ID: 08272 Attacks:-Auqa Jet,Leer,Double Kick,Bubblebeam Lucario (DW) Lv. 10 OT: Boy: Ace, Girl: Kari ID: Boy: 01397, Girl: 57369 Attacks:-Detect,Metal Claw,Counter,Bullet Punch Meloetta (メロエッタ) Event (JAP) OT: えいがかん ID: 07142 Attacks:- Quick Attack,Confusion,Round Scizor (DW) OT: Boy: Ace, Girl: Kari ID: Boy: 01397, Girl: 57369 Attacks:- Leer, Focus Energy, Pursuit, Steel Wing Abram's Cloyster OT: Abram ID: 01203 Attacks:- Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Hidden Power, Razor Shell WIN2013 Keldeo OT: WIN2013 ID: 01163 Attacks:- Sacred Sword, Hydro Pump, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance Plasma Genesect..pkm Summer Keldeo..pkm Lucario (DW)TM..pkm Lucario (DW)TF..pkm Meloetta(JAP)Even.pkm Scizor(PL)TM..pkm Scizor(PL)TF..pkm cloyster..pkm WIN2013Keldeo..pkm
had to remove got a received an infraction for posting in wrong form Here's I believe is the right form for my .pkm files .PKM Files I'm Sharing (Please Don't Remove Thread)
Hi I'm looking for Abram's Cloyster From Pokémon VGC Winter Regionals, does anyone have one?
Hi I'm looking for Abram's Cloyster From Pokémon VGC Winter Regionals, does anyone have one?
(Post 1 #324) (Update) (My Previous Code Didn't Make The Pokemon In The Pokedex so I Found Another Way) 1. Go To http://www.pokegts.us/5thGen_Upload.aspx And Your Nintendo WFC Setting and Add DNS No. To Your Primary DNS And Save 2. Save File To Computer 3. Go To http://www.pokegts.us/5thGen_Upload.aspx 4. Browse Find /Add the File 5. Submit 6. Go To GTS (Make Sure Party Is Full, It will Arrive in Your PC) Walmart Promotion (Piplup,Chimchar,Turtwig) Piplup (Fixed) Lv. 10 Ability: Defiant Nature: Brave Entree Forest Ball: Friend Ball Attacks:-Pound,Growl,Bubble, Featherdance Start-End Date: 6 December 2012-31 July 2013 Chimchar (Fixed) Lv. 10 Ability:Iron Fist Nature: Bold Entree Forest Ball: Friend Ball Attacks:- Leer, Ember, Taunt, Fake Out Start-End Date: 6 December 2012-31 July 2013 Turtwig (Fixed) Lv. 10 Ability: Shell Armor Nature: Docile Entree Forest Ball: Friend Ball Attacks:- Tackle,Withdraw,Absorb,Stockpile Start-End Date: 6 December 2012-31 July 2013 Reshiram Lv. 70 Ability: Turboblaze Nature: Bold Dragonspiral Tower Ball: Masterball Attacks:- ExtraSensory, Fusion Flare, Dragon Pulse, Imprison Zekrom Lv. 70 Ability: Teravolt Nature: Brave Dragonspiral Tower Ball: Masterball Attacks:- Zen Headbutt, Fusion Bolt, Dragon Pulse, Imprison BOY (Trainer Male) GIRL (Trainer Female) Piplup(Walmart)TF.pkm Piplup(Walmart)TM.pkm Chimchar(W)TM..pkm Chimchar(W)TF..pkm Turtwig(W)TM..pkm Turtwig(W)TF..pkm Reshiram(TM)..pkm Reshiram(TF)..pkm Zekrom (TM)..pkm Zekrom (TF)..pkm
Thanks for the Info I will fix it.
How do I do this exactly when I use PokeGen, "Use Pokegen to insert these files into your save file directly" from projectpokemon.org
Does this Shining Charm really work. and what's the chances of getting a shiny pokemon?