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Posts posted by Falcon4ch

  1. Hello!

    I was trying to add a C-Gear skin to my save file using PokeGen. I exported my data from an emulator to a .sav file and loaded that into PokeGen. I then clicked on the C-Gear Background option and loaded the background into the game and saved the file. When I tried to load my .sav into my emulator, the saved game I had was gone. Only New Game was available.

    I'm not using a custom image; it's one that Nintendo had released. I got it from here http://projectpokemon.org/events/cgear.php

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. Thanks for your help everyone. I'm sorry that I'm being such a pain about this, but I'm very picky when it comes to this kind of thing.

    If not, create the Pokemon by using the Storage Box instead of your Party.

    My issue with the Storage Box idea is the same with the party. Nothing happens when I try that either.

    If you have 3 Pokemon in your Party, you can't simply add 3 more to it without having 3 more Pokemon in your Party. The code will replace your current Pokemon in that Slot. If you don't have 3 more Pokemon in your 4th, 5th and 6th Slot, it will result in a Bad Egg or simply wont work.

    I have tried to catch three extra Pokémon I don't mind losing and then using the code, but that didn't help, sadly.

    I'll try the Pokegen idea. Again, thanks for all your help everyone.

  3. I'm having problems creating my own Pokémon in my SoulSilver game. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:

    I have three Pokémon in my party, all non-hacked. I'm trying to make three more appear and fill up my party, making six. All three of these will be eggs. I'm aware that when I do this I need to set the number of party members to six.

    When I press L and R in game, nothing happens. I can press them 50 times, or hold them down for 2 minutes straight and still no results.

    So, my question to you is, what am I doing wrong? Am I putting in too much information? Is there something else I'm forgetting to do?

    Thank you for reading, and for your help.

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