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Black Ice

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Posts posted by Black Ice

  1. If you believe in miracles and something seemingly unnatural happens, of course you're going to think it's another miracle. I haven't seen a single case in which an event couldn't be attributed to luck, but then the miracle-believers continue to call it a miracle.

    I don't believe in miracles. I also disagree with the whole "what are the chances of a perfect Earth being created" argument because that isn't even an argument. If there's even the slightest possibility of something happening, given an infinite timespan, it will eventually have to happen.

    Or maybe everything is pre-determined because everything that happens, including your brain activity and the thoughts/actions that follow, are all caused by chemicals and molecules reacting with each other...

  2. Hey guys :D Finally got around to joining this forum. I already read the rules and stuff, and I understand how forums work and all the corruption that goes on in the staff circle.

    Hopefully you all don't scare me off.

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