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Seven Fates

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Posts posted by Seven Fates

  1. They look similar because the code is similar.

    And of course by the 'code is similar', he means he took the ir-gts-bw.py and src files, changed the reference to Infinite Recursion and the menu options and returned text to make it seem like it is his own, and some lightly tweaked code. And he included compiled versions of all the scripts in the SRC folder to pad the file to make it seem bigger.

    Using Winmerge to compare the SRC files, the only changes to code I've seen are to the getpkm.py, changing an actual block of code, a change to gtsvar.py, changing another reference to Infinite Recursion, change of base text in regards to setting DNS settings in pokehaxlib.py, another change to printed text in sendpkm.py [which is also missing a block of code], but otherwise once again verbatim to the version included initially in ir-gts-bw, and a missing line of code as well as some slightly modified code in stats.py, as well as a line of code modified to return your OT, ID and SID.

    TL;DR - Modify the work of others and take credit for it.:bidoof:

    Edit: While I'm at it, and in the off event that I'm wrong and you actually did some of the work yourself, look at your stats.py down at the bottom and tell me what is missing.

    hptype = {

    0: 'Fighting',

    1: 'Flying',

    2: 'Poison',

    3: 'Ground',

    4: 'Rock',

    5: 'Bug',

    6: 'Ghost',

    7: 'Steel',

    8: 'Fire',

    9: 'Grass',

    10: 'Electric',

    11: 'Psychic',

    12: 'Ice',

    13: 'Dragon',

    14: 'Dark'

    I'll give you a hint. Staryu.

  2. Thanks for testing it out. It's nice because it doesn't kick you back off afterwards like the gen 4 one used to do for some games.

    Not a problem. I can never pass up the opportunity for a rare pokemon.

    I guess this means it's only a matter of time until we have a fully functional GTS emu for Gen V.

  3. Something that has been on my mind, but not yielding any real results when searched for here or elsewhere, stems from editing the Held Item of a Pokemon in Pokesav. I know from a quick experiment on an emulator that a Pokemon can be given a key-item as a held item and you may take it, but the save was not far enough along for me to further experiment, so I figured I'd just as well ask here.

    If a Pokemon is given one of the event key-items - Azure Flute, Oak's Letter, Member's Card, Secret Key - will the events associated with them be triggered upon taking the item from the Pokemon? IE, if I give a pokemon the Azure flute, send the PKM to my DS and go to the sky pillar, will I be able to access the Hall of Origin? Or, if I go to Route 224 after taking Oak's Letter from an edited PKM sent to my DS via SendPKM/HyperGTS, would I find Oak there and trigger the events to get Shaymin? Etc.

  4. Hello. I'm Seven Fates. I've been familiar - and somewhat submersed in - with the Pokemon franchise since Generation I, and have played almost every main series game from Generation I through IV. Generation III I never personally owned a game from, but just in September I bought my first Nintendo hand-held device in ten years, a Gamestop/EB Games refurbished DS Lite, along with a copy of HeartGold. In truth, I got back into Pokemon as both method of living out the nostalgia of earlier years, as well as having a fallback gaming method in the event of a power outage.

    I first came across Project Pokemon back in September when I was investigating methods of acquiring limited time events - particularly Pokewalker routes and key-items related to in-game events. After learning that it was impossible to emulate the framework required to distribute the events, and would have to purchase a third-party cheat device in order to obtain these items, I quickly forgot the idea and instead turned to light cheating to even things up. Mostly this was just creating dud Pokemon holding Master Balls [for those ever desired legendary Pokemon] and sending them to my game via HyperGTS and SendPKM, but I also occasionally indulged in creating a strongly built Pokemon to level up at an accelerated rate.

    Finally, I decided to join up when I once again came across the thought of acquiring event key-items and through such 'illegitimately acquiring legit Pokemon' after picking up Platinum today.

    As such, I'll obviously be asking the question on my mind, though I am unsure if it would absolutely belong in PKM discussion or not. Any help on clearing this up would be much appreciated.

    Anyhow, it is a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope we can all get along.

    Edit: I can only really use Pokesav, and only for a very limited amount of things because of what I have available to me. I simply have a DS-Lite, my two games, and a very convoluted 'wireless network attached to a wireless network' setup so that I can access the net with my DS, which I've been able to manipulate to involve HyperGTS/SendPKM.

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