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Posts posted by pimpfuu

  1. Dont swear please. You will get an Infraction or warning for that. This has happened to me, When you save and upload your save it comes out Jibberish. This is most likely due to a corrupt save. Trying uploading it again and use Shuny Save Converter.

    sorry, and ive givin up, because no mater what i do, i cant get my save to load on my ds linker. its just as if its a new game, and i was ****ing 6 hours in. im so pissed

    ---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

    and also, ive used the shuny converter like 20 times, and no matter what i do, it wont read in the program, and my game is restared on the card.

  2. Okay.

    Shuny web converter is a must for platinum save conversions between 256 and 512.

    Now, I had this problem. I went back to my game, moved my char around and saved him again.... Brought the sav to the computer, converted it, and it worked fine.

    ive tried that, but my save is already 512, what should i convert it too?

    ---------- Post added at 12:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

    this is so fucking gay, i copied my save from my ds linker, i didnt remove it, or anything, and now my games restared, when the save is still on the card, i didnt replace it, all i did was copy it to my desktop

  3. Um which converter are you using, the recommended is Shuny. If i recall correctly.

    im using whatever converter it shows on the pp.org page, and i dont understand why i should even have to use a converter, as i can edit my other pokemon games fine, and i can edit animal crossing fine aswell, and there all using the same save type on the same flashcart

  4. Is this coming from a retail cart? Usually, when backing up from one, it can come out corrupted. It took me about seven tries for me to successfully get it on the computer without it being corrupted. Make sure you are using the correct language too.

    in my original post it says im using a ds linker, so no. its from a flashcart, so shouldnt be an issue as its drag and drop.

    and im running the usa rom, and im using pokesav plat english.

  5. ive updated my save several times, tried the eur version, and tried converting it, they all come up the same, ive also tried the japenease version of the program, and tried them on a different computer, it all produces the same results :[

    im extremely puzzled D:

    oh, and my save is 4mbit (512kb):

    ---------- Post added at 09:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------

    heres the link to my save, i started the game over fresh, and am just outside my house in the first town


  6. i cannot successfully edit my platinum save in the plat editor, i can edit d/p saves fine in the d/p editor, but when i try to open my platinum save, this is what i get:


    any ideas? im using a dslinker flashcart, i know its a shitty clone, but its all ive got right now, and its weird that diamond works, but not platinum, and yes ive tried converting the save file. and im using the usa version of platinum and usa editor

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