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Posts posted by Bwyard

  1. I have a little question: I am getting the error code 13274 several times now and my connection was interrupted. Anybody else with these problems?

    When I tried connecting again, it worked, but sometimes, I receive this error 13274. What's up with this error? Is it server overload?

    i actually think its due to it being the wrong file size as i get it as well when im doing my own if the file size is 236 i dont know if it does it while being 220 or not.

  2. Request for a future RNG project. Shiny timid porygon, trace ability, with hidden power fighting. I'm trying to get the IV RNG abuse down. Shiny, nature, some specific ability are okay but can't nail the IVs down. I probably have problems with date/time, frame advancing or something despite reading and watching most guides. Wish to contribute to this thread if I pull those stuff off.

    I have completed this request. Should i upload the pkm file so it can be distributed next week on your distribution or wait until i can get mine up.

  3. I used alot of Gts distrubution from this website


    I can't seem to find one like the one i mentioned, alot of their gts servers are no longer running.

    I could have been mistaken, i could have sworn i read it somewhere.

    well you are mistaken considering i got one to work similarly and hosted one for a couple of days the ones on pokemongts work by randomly sending pkm. well RoC's im not entirely sure b/c with a legit check impletemneted through the web i also think he runs his on linux though i cnat be sure.

  4. Hello im new to this site but have been on pokemongs.com for about the past 3 weeks i had my own gts setup about 2 weeks ago on saturday but the monday after i did it my hard drive fried and ive yet to replace it. I have some pokes ill distribut once i get going again. Also i distribut some of bonds in my distro or idistributed the heatran in my distro b4 my hd crashed but anyways i do that so the member on pokemongts can get them as well also my gts will only be available from about 5pm central to 10 pm central during the week i should be up and going this weekend. Now T first most stuff being distto will be stuff given to me from ppl on pokemongts to dostribute since i just started rnging i actually just started pokemon about 3 weeks ago any how i have successfully rngd a shiny palkia regigigas and regirock along with good ivd dialga and registeel i also rng a good ivd and shiny regirock i backed up save b4 i caught it extracted the pkm then restored and did it again but not shiny b/c i didnt like the way it looked

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