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D.V. Izak

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Posts posted by D.V. Izak

  1. I want you guys to be honest with these:

    Do you like my old "New LOGOs" or these ones... ?


    I liked the old ones. I don't mean to be offensive, but the new ones look way more cartoonish than the last ones, and Nintendo has never used the words "Pocket Monsters" as an English game title. If you want to change the official logo, try making the word "Pokemon" the same color scheme as "Black" and "White". That Might make it look less cartoonish.

  2. If they can't increase the number of characters, I'll just go back to the latin nicknames. It's fun, you (the reader of my post) should try it sometime.


    Daikenki: Aqua- Water

    Ononokusu: Draco- Dragon

    Shandera: Ignis- Fire

    Doreida: Herba- Plant

    Musharna: Somno- Sleep

    Archeos: Senex- Ancient

    Google translation works extremely well. It's the best translator i've found thats free. They also provide multiple translations for single words and split it into nouns and verbs.

  3. Here's a few problems I've noticed:

    Pokemon Names- Hatoopoo should be Hatooboo

    Doreida should be Doredia

    When my Futachimaru evolved into Daikenki, its name did not change, it stayed at Futachimar (Apparently, Futachimaru is just one letter too long).

    Try to agree on the Raimon city gym leader's name. I've seen two different versions. one japanese direct romanization, and one english trans for it.

    If v5 changes the names of any non-nicknamed pokemon that you own to the correct names, that would be appreciated, since Daikenki and Doredia are just a bit too long for the 5 character limit.

    There are also plenty of grammatical errors, and speech cut-offs.

    Also, the Plasma grunts and Bel at the dream lot call Geechisu, "Getis". Again, pick one.

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