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Posts posted by tRoLoLo

  1. I know I already posted once, but nobody seemed to know the answer or just didn't post back. If anybody could enlighten me as to why my game might be freezing when trying to take my V3 save and use it for V4 (yes the names are matched). I'm pretty far and I absolutely don't want to restart. I've heard that you can just make the names the same and it will work, but that isnt working for me. Help?

  2. Hey, I'm using Desume but I'm having real troubles trying to take my old save from previous patch into the V4 patch. I patched the game over the old patched game first then patched it over a clean game and nothing worked. I made sure the name was correct and copied the .nds file, but it didn't take. At one point I could start it up like it was working, but then after 3 seconds my game completely froze. Is there some way I can use my old save for V4 without it freezing on me? Anybody else had this problem?

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