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About Edo-Kun

  • Birthday 03/30/1996
  1. does any one know how to make pokesav save the codes so they are in this for mat XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX instead of this format XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX because the time i spent changing the format of one of my cheats because i changed the format of my cheats and they anded up being refused by my AR code manager due to a problem with them... if anyone knows how to fix this it'd be great if you told me
  2. iv been told that pokegen is crap, but if its not what site do you recomend me downloading it?
  3. i have a problem with the codes themselfs, were ever i open them they are a mess and wont work so i sorted my code out and it still wont work. iv got the latest form of pokesav and i am now using the compressed and it still wont work, do you know what i should do? because my code manager says "there is a problem with the codes you have enterd" its so annoying that i spend so long sorting out the code for it to not work
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