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Posts posted by Achillyse

  1. Yeah... its not gonna work. The proof is that if i choose no codes it still white screens :/

    Searching for EU codes I found this http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=695

    which is an identical problem to mine, albeit with a different Game ID.

    I assume that means it IS a fake, which is pretty awful because it is PERFECT.

    Any guides to spotting fakes are passed by this cart, I didn't buy from a dodgy seller either. Not sure its worth the eBay appeals trouble. at least it works, as i said, one with no cheats, one with cheats. Even if the cheat free one is a fake :rolleyes:

    Argh if only SoulSilver was out here in September.

    Thanks for your help. I still think its weird that it doesn't work with the Action Replay though, there seems to be no good reason for it not to work even if it is a fake. Surely the ROM would be identical. Gahh. Oh well. At least the game works.

  2. The game works fine so far. It wasn't bought from a Hong Kong seller on eBay, a UK seller with good feedback.

    If it is fake it is a perfect one, (although it didn't come with a case) and from the gameplay itself, nothing has been amiss.

    I'll probably have to buy another copy, but surely if it was a fake they would copy the whole ROM which would mean the same ID aswell??


  3. I've been having trouble getting my action replay to work with Pokemon Platinum.

    I know my Action Replay isn't broken, as it works with other games, but not with Platinum, the reason i bought it :rolleyes:

    I bought the game on eBay, but doesn't appear to be fake. The case, sticker all seem to be as you would expect. The sticker indicates that it is the USA version. But the Game ID/ Code don't match with the EUR or USA Platinum. :/

    I created a new game in the code manager software with a game id that matches my game, named it Pokemon Platinum and have loaded the USA Wild Pokemon Modifier code from the official thread, (the calculator one).

    When I try to use the AR though, when I choose the code and press start, the screen just goes white and stays white.

    If the answer is that I have bought a bad copy of the game then D: and I'll buy another, the one i have works fine so i guess i could have a legit version and one to mess around on. But hopefully you can help me :D

    Sorry for the long post but I wanted to show I have tried things and haven't posted here without thinking.

    I will post the Game Code/ID later, don't have my DS to hand at the mo.


    EDIT: The Game ID is A6WE-745E8BE3

    A bit odd?

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