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Posts posted by lazy727

  1. Then I suggest you not play a game in a language you don't understand. I beat Soul Silver and Pokemon Black with no issues whatsoever in full japanese (until there was a patch for translated attacks). The story is the least important thing as it's generally the same thing with every game, not only that, but common sense tells you to use trial and error. If you can't progress, back track, talk to every NPC, explore the area's you've been too. The game is far from unplayable, instead of complaining about a community project, use the time you just used to post that inconsiderate message and look at a guide.

    I swear...patience is impossible to find nowadays.

    I've had that happen to me when my game was gotten pre-patched. I patched a clean ROM myself and everything went fine. My guess is to try again and check your ROM's.

    What does pokedex entries do for you? It is a waste of time to focus on that when you could be making the game completely playable without a walkthrough very easily by simply translating the lines that tell you '' you cant go here because you have to do this.'' Sometimes im on the road and theres no access to internet so your telling me to wander around like an idiot for an hour just because people are making a priority of pokedex entries that do nothing? Im not saying translate the whole story. I'm saying translate the lines that tell you why you cant proceed. theres no point in pokedex entries but there is a point to that. obviously you didnt read my original message very well even though i bolded it.

  2. I don't understand why you are worrying about pokedex entries that nobody cares about WHEN the game is UNPLAYABLE without a guide because there are parts where you have no clue where your supposed to go because people block entrances until you go to ____ and it makes it so you have to wander around aimlessly when it's not translated+many people play this on the go and don't have access to a guide. At least translate the explainations that say ''you cant go here because you have to go ____'' There's only a couple and it wouldn't take half as long as those useless pokedex entries but if you did that, the game would be fully playable.

    Anyway, I appreciate the effort but I'm just trying to point out how illogical it is to waste your time filling out pokedex entries when there's far more information on those pokemon on the internet already. It could be time better spent making the game more playable.

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