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Altma Dragon

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Posts posted by Altma Dragon

  1. Thanks so much for working on this guys! If you like, I can make you a Black/White english pokemon logo for the game, I have an old one I made here: http://www.vgboxart.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=9879, but I can make a hi-res non-pixalated one for you. I would love to contribute to this, that's all ;) Just give me the file dimensions, the max filesize and I can do it for you :D

    Oh, the example is the version without the Pokeballs, I can make you one with the Pokeballs since that is an important part of the logos. :)

    Why does every one want to rip out logos imo, the ones already there are epic.

    off: topic i manged to hex edit all my trade req pokes on my own, 1st try xD

  2. Is it just me or is the White version of the patch not as far translated as the Black version?

    I downloaded and applied both patches. And on my Black almost the whole menu (and pokemon names and attacks) are translated to English. But on White they aren't. So it is me? Or I'm I doing somethin wrong here? ^^

    as i only got pokemon white for me (still on v2 patch) the whole menu is in english along with attack names and des. you might have messed up the patch or never patched your game....l0l

  3. hey I just what to say thanks for all the translations so far (been watching first thread since posted X D)

    off topic

    i was wondering something though is it possible for someone to give me advice on how to edit evolutions? as in haunter from trade into gengar changed to hunter into gengar at "x" level (ofc i'm not trying to actually evolve a haunter)

    my wifi is busted

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