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Posts posted by Zera

  1. I'm really looking forward to the future of this franchise. I'm hoping desperately for the day I can see a combo game containing the fire/leaf[red/blue]-gold/silver-ruby/sapphire-diamond/pearl regions much like how gold/silver gave us the hoenn and kanto cross overs.

    Plus with the whole 'how do you one up the god pokemon next generation?' debate, im curious to see where it will go from here. lets face it, nintendo and game freak are not going to let the unstoppable cash cow of pokemon end simply because of a god issue.

  2. If you weren't old enough to play the original red and blue games, then this wouldn't make any sense.

    When the games first came out the internet was full of crackpot theories on how to get certain Pokemon (most of which didn't actually exist). Several of them required surfing from the SS Anne to a small island that had a random truck on it and bring any number of pokemon combinations and then you're supposed to be able to push the truck and you'd find the special pokemon. Mew was the most popular pokemon to be "found" under the truck.

    I don't remember them all, I know Pikablu was one of them, there were supposedly evolutions of the 3 starters beyond the Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise. Around the time of the first movie everybody was talking about a MewThree (which was mistaken from Mewtwo in the mind control suit of Giovanni).

    People claimed that they had actually obtained these special Pokemon, but it was all fake information.

    The most famous and only one that kind of actually existed was "MissingNo" [Missing Number] which was nothing more than just a glitch in the game that couldn't be caught and was a one hit kill with no experience, but it also allowed you to get infinite amounds of what ever item was in your 7th slot (I think, it might have been 1st slot, it's been ages since I've played them) if you performed a specific order of things that involved talking to the old man in viridian city and then immediately flying to cinnibar island and surfing along the right hand cost of the island until you encountered "MissingNo"

    (At the time of this post there had been 6 replies and 66 views, it's a sign of the impending apocalypse :P)

    God, all this brings back so many memories!

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