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Posts posted by hassanalmarri

  1. * Victini (494): A Pokemon that brings about victory. It’s said that a Trainer partnered with Victini can win any battle.

    * Tsutarja (495): It has high intelligence and a cool demeanor. When it’s bathed in sunlight, its movements are sharpened.

    * Janoby (496): It runs across the ground as if it were gliding. It confuses its enemies with quick movements, then takes them down with Vine Whip.

    * Jaroda (497): It stops enemies in their tracks with only a glance. It amplifies solar energy inside its body.

    * Pokabu (498): It nimbly avoids enemy attacks, and shoots fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries with its flames and eats them.

    * Chaobuu (499): When the flame inside its body flares up, the speed and sharpness of its movements increases. In a pinch, it blows out smoke.

    * Enbuoh (500): It ignites its fists with the flames on its chin and unleashes Fire Punches. A Pokemon that cares deeply for its comrades.

    * Mijumaru (501): It fights with the shell on its stomach, using it to block attacks and immediately slash back.

    * Futachimaru (502): It smoothly wields 2 shells as swords, and trains strictly to learn techniques.

    * Daikenki (503): It downs opponents with one swing of the sword that’s stored in its armor. It silences enemies with one glance.

    * Minezumi (504): It stores food in its cheek pouches and continuously stands watch for days at a time. It uses its tail to communicate with its friends.

    * Meerhog (505): It fires the berry seeds that are stored in its cheek pouches to attack. When it detects an enemy, its tail goes erect.

    * Yorterrie (506): A smart Pokemon that bravely faces even strong opponents, but avoids unfavorable battles.

    * Harderia (507): The cape-like black fur that covers its body is very tough. It reduces the damage it receives.

    * Muurando (508): It rescues people who are lost in mountains made impassable by blizzard. Its long fur wards off the cold.

    * Choroneko (509): It steals people’s belongings for fun. Even the people it stole from quickly forgive its adorable antics.

    * Leopardas (510): An elusive Pokemon. Its beautiful style and fur charm many Trainers.

    * Yanappu (511): A Pokemon that lives in deep forests. When someone eats the leaf that grows from its head, their fatigue vanishes like it was never there.

    * Yanakey (512): It fights violently by swinging its spiked tail around. The leaf on its head is extremely bitter.

    * Baoppu (513): When angered, the temperature of the tassel on its head rises to over 300 degrees. It roasts berries in the tassel and eats them.

    * Baokey (514): Sweet foods are its favorite. It converts them to energy, which stokes the fire inside its body.

    * Hiyappu (515): The water it stores in the tassel on its head is packed with nutrients. If it’s sprinkled on a plant, the plant grows big.

    * Hiyakey (516): It stores water in the tassel on its head. If the water supply runs low, it sucks up water with its tail to replenish it.

    * Munna (517): If your dream is eaten by a Munna, you forget the content of the dream. It always floats in the air.

    * Musharna (518): Many dreams of humans and Pokemon are packed inside the smoke that comes out of its forehead.

    * Mamepato (519): It’s in its nature to listen to its Trainer’s orders, but there are times when it can’t understand difficult instructions.

    * Hatohboh (520): Even if they’re separated by a great distance, it can always find its way back to its Trainer.

    * Kenhorou (521): The male shakes the adornments on its head to intimidate opponents. The female’s flying ability exceeds the male’s.

    * Shimama (522): Its mane lights up when it discharges electricity. It communicates with its friends with the flashing of its mane.

    * Zebraika (523): It’s as fast and powerful as lightning. When Zebraiga runs at top speed, thunder rumbles.

    * Dangoro (524): It has a hexagon-shaped ear. Its body has been compressed by the earth to a harder consistency than iron.

    * Gantoru (525): When it’s at full power, the orange crystals glow. It searches for groundwater in caves.

    * Gigaiasu (526): It compresses energy in the core inside its body, and the attack it releases has the power to blow away a mountain.

    * Koromori (527): It lives in dark forests and caves. It emits ultrasonic waves from its nostrils to map out its surroundings.

    * Kokoromori (528): It fires all different frequencies of sound waves from its nostrils. It even emits a sound wave that shatters rocks.

    * Moguryuu (529): The speed at which it burrows through the underground is over 50km/h. It’s a match for an automobile running on the surface.

    * Doryuuzu (530): Its drills, which evolved to steel, have the power to pierce through an iron plate. It excels at constructing tunnels.

    * Tabunne (531): When it touches an opponent with the antennae on its ears, it discerns the opponent’s physical condition and mood from the sound of its heart.

    * Dokkorar (532): It fights by swinging a wooden plank around. When it can carry heavy planks without any discomfort, it’s close to evolving.

    * Dotetsukotsu (533): Even if it’s attacked by a group of pro wrestlers, its toned, muscular body won’t give an inch.

    * Rohpushin (534): It’s thought that the art of making concrete was learned from Rohbushin 2000 years ago.

    * Otamaro (535): It produces a high-pitched alarm by vibrating its cheeks, and informs its companions of danger.

    * Gamagaru (536): When it vibrates the lump on its head, not only does the water turn choppy, the ground shakes as if there was an earthquake.

    * Gamageroge (537): It shoots a liquid that causes nerve paralysis from the lump on its head. It torments its opponent with vibrations.

    * Nageki (538): Its power increases when it wears a belt. Wild Nageki knit vines together to make their own belts.

    * Dageki (539): You can hear the sound the sound of fists striking trees and boulders coming from the mountains where Dageki train.

    * Kurumiru (540): When it hatches from its egg, it’s dressed in clothes made by Hahakomori. It hides its head in its hood when it goes to sleep.

    * Kurumayu (541): Plants grow well in the forests where Kurumayu lives. This is because Kurumayu changes the fallen leaves into a nutritious substance.

    * Hahakomori (542): When it finds a small Pokemon, it has the tendency to sew leaf clothing using its sticky string and arm blades.

    * Fushide (543): It bites down and injects deadly poison. Even the large bird Pokemon that are its deadly enemy are rendered immobile by paralysis.

    * Hoiiga (544): It’s protected by its hard shell. It spins like a tire and viciously tackles its enemies.

    * Pendora (545): It chases down enemies with fast movements and attacks with the horns on its head. It shows no mercy until it delivers the finishing blow.

    * Monmen (546): When it’s attacked, cotton flies from its body. The enemy mistakes the cotton for Momen, and it escapes in the interim.

    * Erufuun (547): : It slips through the narrowest crack, just like the wind. It leaves white pilling behind.

    * Churine (548): The leaf from its head, when chewed, is extremely bitter, but it has the effect of energizing a tired body.

    * Doredia (549): Even veteran trainers have difficulty getting the beautiful flower to bloom. A Pokemon that’s popular with celebrities.

    * Basurao (550): The relationship between red and blue Basurao is so bad that they immediately fight each other. An extremely reckless Pokemon.

    * Meguroco (551): It lives in the desert sand. The sun-warmed sand prevents its body temperature from lowering.

    * Warubiru (552): It forms a group of several individuals. The membrane that covers its eyeballs protects its eyes from sandstorms.

    * Warubiaru (553): It won’t let any prey it happens upon escape. Its jaw has the power to bite chunks out of a car’s body.

    * Darumakka (554): When the flame inside its body is blazing, it runs around unable to calm itself. When the flame dwindles, it falls asleep.

    * Hihidaruma (555): A flame burns at 1400 degrees inside its body, producing so much power that it can demolish a dump truck with its punch.

    * Marakachi (556): It uses uptempo dancing and sound to drive away its natural enemies, the bird Pokemon who aim for its flower’s seeds.

    * Ishizumai (557): Since it secretes a fluid that dissolves rocks from its mouth, it can easily make holes in even the hardest rocks.

    * Iwaparesu (558): Iwaparesu that are competing over territory battle violently. The one that has its shell broken loses.

    * Zuruggu (559): It pulls its skin up to its neck in a defensive stance. The rubber-like elasticity reduces damage.

    * Zuruzukin (560): They gang up on opponents that enter their territory and beat them to within an inch of their lives. They shoot an acidic bodily fluid from their mouths.

    * Shinporah (561): It appears that it always flies the same route because it retains memories of protecting an ancient city.

    * Deathmas (562): The mask Deathmas carries is its face from when it was human. Occasionally, it stares at it, sobbing.

    * Deathkan (563): According to rumors, it swallows nearby humans and turns them into mummies. It likes to eat gold nuggets.

    * Purotoga (564): It was revived from an ancient fossil. It can dive to depths of up to 1000 meters.

    * Abagohra (565): It lives in oceans and on land. It possesses the power to punch holes in the hulls of tankers with its slaps.

    * Achen (566): It’s said to be the ancestor of bird Pokemon. It appears that it couldn’t fly, and lived its life jumping from branch to branch.

    * Archaeos (567): It gets a running start on the ground, then leaps into the air. It has the intelligence to cooperate with allies to bring down prey.

    * Yabukuron (568): It prefers unsanitary places. It spews gas as if it was belching; if you inhale it you’ll be laid up in bed for a week.

    * Dasutodasu (569): It squeezes the opponent with its left hand, and finishes it off by spewing smelly, poisonous gas from its mouth.

    * Zorua (570): It takes on the form of its opponent, surprising it. It seems that there are many occasions where it disguises itself as a quiet child.

    * Zoroark (571): A Pokemon that bewitches opponents to protect the security of its pack. Its bond with its comrades is strong.

    * Chillarmy (572): They brush their tails against each other’s bodies as greeting. It keeps its tail groomed so it’s always clean.

    * Chillachino (573): Since its white fur is coated with a special resin, enemy attacks slide right off it.

    * Gothemme (574): It amplifies its psychic power with its ribbon-like antennae. It’s always staring fixedly at something.

    * Gothimelle (575): It manipulates people and Pokemon with hypnosis. The victims are spirited away by Gothmiru while they’re still asleep, according to prevailing legend.

    * Gothilselle (576): The space around Gothzeru twists to resemble the starry sky from tens of thousands of light years away, as an effect of its immense Psychic powers.

    * Uniran (577): It releases psychic power to repel attacking enemies. It communicates with its allies via telepathy.

    * Doubran (578): Since it has a brain that split into 2 sections, there are times when it abruptly performs an unexpected action.

    * Ranculus (579): When Rankurusu shake hands with each other, their brains connect over a network and their psychic powers are amplified.

    * Koaruhii (580): A bird Pokemon that excels at diving. It swims around underwater to eat peat moss, its favorite food.

    * Swanna (581): Groups of Swanna begin to dance with the breaking of dawn. The Swanna dancing in the middle of the group is the flock’s leader.

    * Vanipucchi (582): It blows out breath of -50 degrees. It creates snow crystals, and causes it to snow nearby.

    * Vaniricchi (583): A Pokemon that lives on snowy mountains. It migrated south during the ancient ice age.

    * Vaivanilla (584): It gulps down huge quantities of water and makes snow clouds inside its body. It torments its enemies with fierce blizzards.

    * Shikijika (585): Its fur changes to match the color and scent of the grass in the fields and hills. It hides in the brush when it detects hostility.

    * Mebukijika (586): It changes its habitat according to the seasons. People use Mebukijika’s horns to determine when the seasons are changing.

    * Emonga (587): It stores the electricity generated by the electric sacks in its cheeks within a membrane, and releases the electricity as it glides.

    * Kaburumo (588): A mysterious Pokemon that evolves when it’s hit by electrical stimulus while in the company of Chobomaki.

    * Shubarugo (589): It flies around at high speeds and stabs enemies with its sharp spear. It bravely faces even unfavorable matchups.

    * Tamagetake (590): It attracts victims with its Pokeball-like markings, then blows toxic spore. Why it resembles a Pokeball is a mystery.

    * Morobareru (591): It dances to attract prey, wiggling the Pokeball-like mushrooms on both of its arms.

    * Pururiru (592): It sinks to the bottom of the sea with its enemies’ bodies still bound in its thin, veil-like arms.

    * Burunkeru (593): If a lost ship sinks in Buringeru’s habitat, the crew members' life force gets completely absorbed.

    * Mamanboh (594): The special mucus membrane that covers Mamanbou’s body has the effect of healing wounds.

    * Batula (595): Bachuru that live in cities have learned how to absorb electricity from the outlets in private houses.

    * Dentula (596): When it’s attacked by an enemy, it spits out a lot of electricity-laced thread, and makes an electric barrier.

    * Tesshiido (597): When it senses danger, it counterattacks by firing all of its spikes at once. It rolls away in the interim.

    * Nuttre (598): It fights by brandishing its spiked tentacles. When it slams its steel spikes down, the destructive force shatters boulders.

    * Gearl (599): The 2 bodies can only combine with each other. If they try to engage with other bodies, the gears won’t mesh and they’ll separate.

    * Gigearl (600): It conveys how it feels to its friends by altering the direction of its rotation. If it’s sufficiently angered, the rotations speed up.

    * Gigigearl (601): The red core functions as an energy tank. It fires the charged up energy from its spikes around its circumference.

    * Shibishirasu (602): A single Shibishirasu’s electrical power is tiny, but when a group comes together, that power becomes as mighty at thunder.

    * Shibibiiru (603): The circular markings are power generating organs. After wrapping around its opponent, it pushes the markings against them and releases electricity.

    * Shibirudon (604): It crawls out of the water with the power of its arms, and attacks prey on the shore. In a flash, it drags them into the ocean.

    * Rigray (605): It controls incredible psychic power. It constricts its opponent’s brains with psychic power, giving them headaches.

    * Oobemu (606): It manipulates its opponents’ memories. It apparently flickers its tri-colored fingers to communicate with its friends.

    * Hitomoshi (607): Hitomoshi’s light burns brighter when it’s sucked up a human or Pokemon’s life energy.

    * Lamplar (608): It’s feared as an ominous Pokemon. It drifts unsteadily through town, searching for the souls of the deceased.

    * Chandelar (609): It blazes when it absorbs a soul. It swings the flames on its arms to put opponents into a hypnotic trance.

    * Kibago (610): It crushes berries with its fangs and eats them. Its fangs are replaced with new ones over and over, so they’re always strong and sharp.

    * Onondo (611): Since its broken fangs aren’t replaced with new ones, it diligently polishes its fangs with river rocks after battling.

    * Ononokusu (612): It has a kind nature, but it shows no mercy to anyone who invades its territory. It confidently challenges them with fangs that can cut steel.

    * Kumashun (613): When it’s in poor health, its mucus becomes watery, and the power of its Ice attacks diminishes as a result.

    * Tsunbear (614): It freezes its breath at will. It’s skilled at swimming, and swims around the northern sea catching prey.

    * Freezio (615): When its body temperature increases, it turns to steam and vanishes. When its body temperature lowers, it reverts to its original ice.

    * Chobomaki (616): When it’s attacked by an enemy, it closes the cover of its shell as a defense. It fires a sticky venom through the openings in the cover.

    * Agirudar (617): If its body dries out, it weakens. A thin membrane is wrapped around its body multiple times to protect against dehydration.

    * Maggyo (618): Since its skin is tough, even if it’s stepped on by a sumo wrestler, it doesn’t care. When it releases electricity, its face becomes a smile.

    * Kojofu (619): It unleashes a flood of consecutive attacks to overwhelm the enemy. It slashes the enemy with its sharp claws.

    * Kojondo (620): It handles the hair on its arms like a whip. The attacks from both arms are so fast that the eye can’t track them.

    * Crimgan (621): When the sunlight hits its wings, it warms its body. If its body temperature falls, it becomes unable to move.

    * Gobit (622): Energy burning inside its body enables it to move, but what kind of energy this is is unclear.

    * Gorog (623): It flies through the sky at mach speed. If the seal on its chest is removed, its energy becomes uncontrollable.

    * Komatana (624): A Pokemon whose entire body is a blade. If the blade gets chipped in battle, it sharpens the blade with river rocks.

    * Kirikizan (625): It leads a group of Komatana. They fight chaotically for the role of boss. Losers are expelled from the group.

    * Buffalon (626): Even when it deals a violent headbutt, its bushy body hair absorbs the damage.

    * Washibon (627): It crushes berries with its leg strength. It has the disposition to bravely stand against even the strongest adversary.

    * Wargle (628): It fights for its friends’ sake without any regard to danger. It can grab a car and fly all the way up to the heavens with it.

    * Vulchai (629): Since its wings are small, it can’t fly. When it’s close to evolving, it throws off its skeleton adornments.

    * Vuljina (630): It gathers bones to make its nest. It clutches weak prey in its talons and easily carries it all the way to its nest of bones.

    * Kuitaran (631): It sucks up air through the hole in its tail to fuel the flame inside its body. It’s Iront’s natural enemy.

    * Iront (632): Its body is covered in steel armor. It counters Kuitaran’s attacks as a mob.

    * Monose (633): Its behavior is to bite everything. As far as food, it eats anything. It’s dangerous to approach carelessly.

    * Jihead (634): Once it eats all the prey in its territory, it moves on to a different area. The 2 heads don’t get along.

    * Sazando (635): A brutal Pokemon that flies continuously through the sky on its 6 wings, marking everything that moves as an enemy and attacking.

    * Meraruda (636): People have come to believe that this Pokemon was born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is wrapped in flames.

    * Urgamoth (637): It’s said that when the surface was blackened by volcanic ash, Urugamoth’s flame became a substitute for the sun.

    * Cobalon (638): A legendary Pokemon that fights humans in order to protect Pokemon. It has a serene nature.

    * Terrakion (639): It battles humans in order to protect Pokemon that lost their habitats due to human wars.

    * Viridion (640): A Pokemon that challenges humans to battle in order to protect its comrades. Its legend has been passed down for generations.

    * Torneros (641): Its lower half is wrapped in a cloud like body of energy. It flies through the sky at 300 km/h.

    * Voltros (642): The lands Voltoros passes through are left with countless scars and scorch marks from the fallen thunder.

    * Reshiram (643): A Pokemon that appears in myths. It spouts flames from its tail, scorching everything.

    * Zekrom (644): Its tail produces electricity. It conceals its body in a thunder cloud and flies through the skies of the Isshu Region.

    * Landros (645): Since the lands that Randorosu visits bear large harvests of crops, it’s called the god of agriculture.

    * Kyurem (646): It produces powerful freezing energy inside its body, but its body is frozen by the chill that seeps out.

    * Kerudio (647): It spouts water from its hooves, and moves across the water’s surface as if it was gliding. It fights with its special foot techniques.

    * Meloetta (648): It sings with a unique vocalization, and freely manipulates the emotions of creatures who hear its melody.

    * Genosect (649): 300,000,000 years ago it was feared as the ultimate hunter. Team Plasma modified it.

    could you please correct the pokemons names with this English spill names , because it's still in Japanese spill 8(

    I hop you will correct it in the next patch

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