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Posts posted by Kris

  1. Questions:

    -In Olivine City when you are trying to go to cianwood city for the secret potion, there is a guy there that pushes you back, i have all the correct prerequisites i believe. but i can't read the japanese the man says so i have no way of knowing what i have to do or have to have...and the guy "!" above his head twice, please HELP. i have looked at the previous posts and i found something regarding the prerequisites and i believe i have them all done. idk if i skipped something or not..

    -What are the locations to the Team Rocket sections, ive done up to the basement with the electrodes

    In Olivine, are you trying to get past that guy in the harbor building? If that's it, I don't know how to get past him, but if you go out of the building, go a bit west and then south, you can surf from there south to Cianwood.

  2. It wasn't hard for me to get, either. I lucked out in that my family went on vacation to NYC that summer, and so I got it at the store (along with some PCNYs) the Monday it was released. If that hadn't happened, I would have ordered it from the website. People who didn't have access to a credit card weren't able to do that, and I know that made a lot of folks very mad.

  3. The GS Ball was an item you could get in Crystal, but it wasn't used in any other than the Japanese game. In order to get it, you had to hook up the game to a cell phone with an adapter of some sort. If you took the GS Ball to the shrine in the Ilex Forest, you could battle and catch a Lv 30 Celebi.

  4. I like Electric Quarter for this sort of stuff. They sell on eBay, or through their regular website http://electricquarter.com/. They're in New Hampshire, so you don't have to wait for overseas shipping. They get your order out the door within a day or two, and then its up to the USPS. They'll send it Priority instead of first class for $3 extra.

  5. I don't know that this is helpful, but my recollection is that only the c and d stations were working to distribute Pokemon. The a and b stations were running a promo of Box and I think a movie preview. We obtained the c00002 Seviper on a Sapphire and c00003 Absol on a Ruby one right after the other early that Monday morning, right after the store opened. The other 3 we got on a separate visit, Tuesday or maybe Wednesday. On the return trip the store employees didn't restrict us from getting more than one, so long as we got back in line, but we didn't stay all that long.

    With only these 5, I sure can't answer whether they were random (although getting both Sevipers on Sapphire and both Absols on Ruby was interesting to me), or whether they were cycled through. The machine definitely did not provide an option. I don't think trainer id's were used more than once, but that's speculation based on the sequence of id's we got. If I had known then what I know now, I would have paid a lot more attention.

  6. That would probably be very hard to do, if not impossible. For that matter, let the admins take a look at these and see what they think. For all you know, I could just be some crazy lady. That said, I do like being informed about the legit/legal distinction so that I can make up my own mind about what I might like to download.

  7. I'm definitely confused as to what's going on. I've got an R4, and the only time I've had troubles trading with it is when the other person input my FC incorrectly. It sounds as if the other person didn't have any problems with the Pal Pad, since they were able to connect to wifi to get a FC with it. Do I understand correctly that you're both working off the same .sav?

  8. Either me or immediate family. In total, 2 Absols, 2 Sevipers and a Flygon, although the Flygon and 1 Seviper are touched. Just so you have all of the info, here's a link to the Pokemon.com web page (via the Way Back Machine) about the event, since a lot of people continue to insist that there were no events after 2003, and we got them in July 2004.


  9. In general, I'd agree with Okami's position, on religion and, although it hasn't been mentioned yet, politics as well. The difficulty lies in people having an intelligent and respectful discussion without devolving into a flame war. I have other places where I discuss these topics, so I doubt I'd contribute much here. But if people here want to have those kinds of conversations and can do so reasonably, that could be ok. If people show that they can't handle it respectfully, those topics could then be banned.

  10. I've got a couple I could give you, an Absol and a Seviper. I've also got a Flygon, but its touched. :( I was told in the contribution thread that they've already got them, but if they're not going to have them available for distribution, that doesn't really help you much. And yeah, I really did go to the event myself. But since you don't know me, or have any other reason to trust me, I'd understand if you're not interested.

  11. Having it say (Pal Park) in Pokesav makes sense for stuff from Colo, xD and Box. For the original of the Pokemon to get from any of those games to D/P/P, it would have first been traded to a GBA game, and then migrated, so as far as D/P/P is concerned, it would have to have gone through Pal Park. Check the Pokemon's summary in-game; the Colo and xD stuff should say Distant Land in the summary, and the Box ones should say the region, like Hoenn.

  12. I'm getting this sense of deja vu.... Anyway, hi all, nice to meet you. I'm a long-time Pokemon player, former events collector, and I enjoy messing around with R4 and Pokesav. I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions, and hopefully can help out a bit, too.

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