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Kuro Kitsune

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About Kuro Kitsune

  • Birthday 12/13/1986
  1. Hello fellow Pokefarmers. X3 First things first.. I'm posting some Pokemon. lol There, now that that's out of the way.... .. And now I can't think what to say.. Umm, well I guess could say that I enjoy playing on Pokefarm when it lets me. Yeah, I've been having those server issues myself. My boyfriend makes jokes that the site is trying to tell me I've been on too long and need a break. lol X3 To shine a bit of light on the PF server problems, I do believe I saw a post by Kolink in the Bugs Forum somewhere explaining that the server errors may be due to too many people trying to access the site at one time. If that's true, I guess that means PF is a bit more popular then expected. I'll have to hunt the forum and see if I can find it then get a link to it. Um lets see, I don't mind helping others when they need it if I can, so don't be afraid to ask me anything. And if I can help I will. X3 Um... I wish I could think of more to say but I honestly can't at this moment. X3
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