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Posts posted by Haganeno

  1. yeah i agree with you yoshistar but its kinda sadly have to delete pals because it would be good to have a different kind of pals from around the world but i think i would have to do the same as you delete the ones who are innactive for a week o something like that.

  2. I ask this because i already have 10 friends on the DW and now the friend request that i have i cant accept those and it shows me a message that say "my Dream Pal list is full i have to organize my friend list on my profile" but nothing happens on my profile just sort them by name ascendant or descendant nothing more and i have 2 friend request still pendant but it not allow me to accept them so if somebody knows if the DW friend list have a limit would be good to compart with all of us.

  3. ok man it sounds perfect to me but about the time its not accurately in my case because im from El Salvador man so what about you give me a time from the state you are and that way i can calculate at what time i can found you or the others or even better what about if we use the UTC time and just tell me at what time you can according to the UTC

    this link shows the actual UTC time


  4. somebody had a problem adding friends on the dream world because i have a week since i cant send or accept friend request´s and i sync everyday so thats why y ask if somebody else have the same problem??

    note: when i try to accept a friend request or try to do a friend request it show´s me a message that say´s first i need to go to my profile list and organize my dream friends first but that doesnt work so if somebody know what could be the problem adding dream friends would be good to post it

  5. hey people i have a question this c-gear skin program doesn´t crash the sav file or something and i ask because the japanese pokesav crashed on of my saved backups of my black version so i dont want to test and crash it by error so if somebody could say if it´s safe would be good to know

  6. I been looking for it for a year ago and doesn´t know where is it if it can be captured on the game i don´t know if it´s on the space center or the amount of flights of the space center doesn´t have a purpose?? if someone know i will thank if you answer me ´cause i want to finish at 100% of the emerald version

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