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Posts posted by ares9090

  1. Thank you very much, is there a way to know what cases are those?

    I mean, is there a specific rule about it or is a random thing as trash bytes in the poketransfered Pokemon's name?

    Like this two cases

    CATERPIE\FFFF\020C\FFFF << Shiny, migrated from Platinum supposedly RNG'ed

    BEEDRILL\FFFF\0206\FFFF << Not Shiny, migrated from Platinum, nothing special, not even trained.

    Thanks iin advance

  2. Wow, this is a great program. I just want to know if someone could be kind enough to make a list of the numbered moves so I can know which one is which. Thanks in advance.

    Also, I need to figure out which number is the ability illusion (zoroark's ability). Thanks again!

    Read previous post before asking

    Codr will upload his new Beta 10 tomorrow, and his post before yours answers your question, have some manners at least.

  3. Grovyle91, in name of the Pokémon Community in San Pedro Sula, Honduras I want to thank you for this wonderful tool, now we are able to get events here.

    I tested distribution of Japanese Wondercards (Crown Beats) from a Pokémon Platinun ( U) Game when I tried to distribute them to 2 or more people, only 1 at random was able to get the Wonder Card, the remainig people and me ended with corrupted savefiles. I then distributed one by one and there was no problems at all.

    If you need a copy of the savefile from which I was distributing I can gladly email it to you

    Before I forget, I'm using v1.4 bèta 3 of your baby. and once again, thanks for it

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